PC Gamer (Italian) 34
PC Gamer IT CD 34 1-2.iso
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09/01/97 - mIRC v4.72
1.Fixed Windows Colors option.
2.Fixed gpf on joining channel with control codes in topic (?)
3.Fixed/improved channel mode handling.
4.Can specify a channel key in default channel listbox
as first word of a topic for a channel.
5.Fixed $+ at end of a line gpfing.
6.Fixed /run and long filenames with spaces.
7.Highlighting text in editbox and then Control-K now places
cursor right after first control character.
8.Fixed gpf in Channel dialog when listing invalid ban info.
9.Fixed display of fonts for certain character sets.
10.URL catcher now doesn't copy any BURC control characters
attached to a URL.
11.Fixed checking for recursive custom identifier calls.
(lack of check was leading to gpfs)
12.$null is now handled better when used with $+.
13.Install program now warns if you are about to install to
a directory path with spaces in its name and recommends
installing to a path without spaces.
14.Fixed /server N command.
15.Added $online identifier which returns number of seconds
elapsed on your online timer (ie. the one in the timer
16.Now allows you to call custom identifers with parameters
that have a $null value.
17.Added -k switch to /ignore command, allows you to ignore
BURC codes from someone's text. This works for private,
notice, kick, part, etc. messages.
18.Fixed marking text that is bold/underlined.
19.Fixed bug with a script not halting properly and continuing
to process script following it (?)
20.The command parser wasn't stripping out leading and following
spaces for tokens in a command which may have resulted in
odd behaviour when processing scripts.
21.Control-Shift-Tab for switching between channel windows
has been removed since it was conflicting with the normal
windows default for tabbing backwards through windows.
22.Fixed /ruser nick! command, was removing all entries that
being with "nick" as opposed to "nick!".
23.Added "Edit" button to channels folder dialog.
24.Fixed $maddress being chopped in ON BAN event.
25.Fixed pressing enter in DCC Send dialog to change directories.
26.Fixed finger command (wasn't sending @ prefix when fingering
an address without a userid).
27.Added $vnick() identifier to list voiced nicks, and $nvnick()
identifier to list non-op/non-voice nicks.
28.Added ON UNBAN, works the same as ON BAN.
29.Added ON VOICE/DEVOICE, and $vnick refers to nickname.
30.Fixed bug in installer.
31.Invites to non-channels are now ignored.
32.Fixed text being indented in User and Variable remote sections.
33.Fileserver now let's you cd into a directory with an extension.
34.Changed $findfile() identifier, now allows you to specify
Nth file eg. $findfile(dir,filespec,N).
35.Fixed DCC percent progress wrapping to zero when sending
large files (?)
36.If a DCC Get directory doesn't exist, the default get directory
is used instead, if that doesn't exist, the mIRC directory is
37.Fixed /ignore for actions.
38.A query window no longer opens for a sound request, the sound
message is displayed in the status window instead.
39.Added skip MOTD warning.
40.Fixed Menu Bar popup menu not working when all windows
are closed.
41.Improved Tabs in tabbed dialogs to look more 95ish.
42.Standardized Alias, Popup, and Remote dialogs.
43.Resources for popup menus are now allocated just before a
popup menu is displayed and are freed immediately after it
is closed thus conserving resources.
44.Added $dlevel identifier for remote default user level.
45.Added $timer(N) identifier.
$timer(N) timer id
$timer(N).com command
$timer(N).time time
$timer(N).reps repetitions
$timer(N).delay delay interval
$timer(N).type online/offline
46.Added option to show DCCs in Switchbar.
47.Now allows - character in Identd UserID.
48.Fixed invalid RAW definition format gpfing.
49.Fixed Beeping when right-clicking in a listbox.
50.Windows minimized to the switchbar don't appear as icons
first anymore.
51.Wrote my own window list handler, so the Windows list
now displays desktop windows as well. Also only the first
50 characters of a windows title are displayed.
52.ON BAN/UNBAN now don't allow wildcard matches of ip/non-ip
addresses, as well as addresses ending in @*.
53.Setting focus on windows has been improved.
54.Can now use Control-Space to cycle through channel windows.
55.Fixed $mask() when an address with wildcards is specified.
09/12/96 - mIRC v4.7
1.Fixed time bug (?)
2.ISON now displays a message if user doesn't exist.
3.Fixed small DDE problem.
4.Fixed mIRC defaulting to port 6667 when reconnecting
to a server.
5.DCC Send/Get window titlebar now immediately displays 0% at
start of transfer, and only displays 100% when transfer is
completely finished (was rounding up to 100% before).
6.Fixed small bug in fserve dcc send.
7.Fixed /beep command.
8.Bytes/Size display in alias/popup/remote windows are now
updated only a few times a second to decrease flicker.
9.Finished reorganizing identifiers-related code.
10.Fixed $away updating after you disconnect and reconnect.
11.Fixed Text Assist bug (?)
12.Can now do /sound [on|off] to enable/disable sound requests.
13.Added $server(N).property identifier to access servers list.
$server(N) address.
$server(N).desc description
$server(N).port port
$server(N).group group
14.Added $ial(mask,N) identifier to acces IAL.
$ial(mask,N) full address.
$ial(mask,N).nick nickname
$ial(mask,N).user user id
$ial(mask,N).host host
$ial(mask,N).addr user@host
This returns the Nth address matching "mask" in the IAL.
Specify zero for total number of matching addresses. To
scan the whole of the IAL you can use $ial(*,N). If N is
zero, the total number of matching entries is returned.
16.Added /identd [on|off] [userid] command.
17.Fixed bug in /ignore address matching.
18.Can now use [type] parameter with /auto to look up
users address (like ignore).
19.Channels, Notify, and Url list listboxes now have a horizontal
scroll bar added to them.
20.Added $url(N).property identifier to access urls list.
$url(N) address
$url(N).desc description
$url(N).group group
21.When using /sound and /wavplay, the Waves directory and ALL of
its subdirectories are searched for the specifed wave filename.
This allows users to organize their sounds into subdirectories
without having to worry about directory paths.
22.Added 1:ON DNS:/echo $nick $iaddress $naddress $raddress event.
If /dns <nick> was used then $nick refers to <nick> otherwise
it refers to your own nickname. $iaddress refers to the ip
address, and $naddress refers to the named address. $raddress
is the resolved address. If $raddress is $null then that means
that the address could not be resolved.
23.Fixed @ (must be channel Op) prefix for remote definitions
preventing a definition from being performed if the event is
not a channel event. eg. @1:ON TEXT:*:*:/etc. which reacts
to private messages as well as channel messages.
24.Added $idle identifier which returns same idle time as that
returned by ctcp USERINFO or FINGER.
25.Added $numeric identifier which refers to the number of the
raw event that matched a remote definition.
27.Ctcp ping reply now displays ping time in hr/min/sec format.
28.Fixed memory bug in Tab display routine, also improved display
of tabs slightly.
29.Added 1:ON ERROR:*text*:/echo $parms event.
30.Added Extension<->directory association in DCC Options dialog.
31.Fixed empty line in editboxes in options dialog causing
following lines to be lost.
32.DCC Get dialog now displays listbox of directories from the
extension associations for quick directory selection for
miscellaneous file types.
33.Servers.ini file is reloaded each time the Setup window is
opened to make sure that any changes made to it externally
are available. eg. if someone downloads a servers.ini file.
34.Now allows you to configure a separate Popup menu for use
in a channel window. If no channel popup menu is defined it
defaults to using the status window popup menu in a channel.
35.When marking text for copying, the marked block is not cleared
if new text is printed in the window, instead the scrollbar
is updated to indicate there is new text below. If you were
at the bottom of the buffer when you started copying, mIRC
will automatically scroll down to the bottom of the buffer
after you finish copying.
36.I added an /echo -a switch which echos to the active window.
If the active window is not a status, channel, or query/chat
window, it defaults to the status window.
37.For remote events that have no associated $chan value, $chan
refers to a channel that both you and the user that triggered
the event are on, on which you are an Op.
38.Fixed small bug with /set.
39.Can now do /log [on|off] [windowname].
40.If a user hasn't entered a UserID for the Identd server or if
their current userid contains invalid characters, mIRC asks
them for a new userid. Permitted characters:
. (0x2E)
0-9 (0x30-0x39)
A-Z (0x41-0x5A)
_ (0x5F)
a-z (0x61-0x7A)
41.Added $wildsite remote identifier which returns the address of
the user who triggered the event in the form *!*@host.domain,
added mainly to speed things up since *!* $+ $site is used a lot.
42.Added /perform [on|off] command to turn on/off perform section.
43.Speeded up text display routine slightly.
44.Added $ticks identifier which returns the number of ticks
since your O/S was first started.
45.Ignoring CTCPs doesn't ignore actions anymore.
46.Added double-click alias option for Notify window.
47.Now using a new indexing method to speed up alias, popup, and
remote script processing.
48.Using an /if as the first command in a $read line now works.
49.In channel windows, Shift-TAB now switches the focus between
the editbox and the nicknames listbox.
50.Control-Shift-Tab now cycles through channel windows.
51.Server notices are now displayed in purple.
52.Added "Timestamp" switch to window system menus.
53.mIRC now ignores dcc sends/chats to port 19.
54.Fixed window focus problem when mdi/non-mdi windows open (?)
55.Can raise a number to the power of another using ^ operator.
eg. set %x 2 ^ 8
56."End of /who list" now displays who you were doing a /who on.
57.Now handles DALnets 310 numeric.
58.Added skip MOTD on connect switch.
59.Modified Event Beeps interface a bit.
60.Speeded up variable lookup routine and [] processing.
61.Rewrote text mark/copy routine.
62./timestamp [-a|e|s] [on|off] [window] is now used for turning
on/off timestamping in windows. If only on/off is specified
with no window, the global timestamp switched is turned on/off.
-s = for status window
-a = for active window
-e = for every window
63.For ctcp commands, $chan is now filled with a channel name if
you received the ctcp via a channel.
64./flood now ignores *!*@site.
65.$active identifier now returns window names more intelligently.
66./return can now return both numbers and text.
67.For servers that specify who placed a ban in the ban list, mIRC
now displays this info in the /channel dialog ban list.
68.$server now returns $null if you are not currently connected
to a server.
69.Added $fserv(N), improved $chat(N), $get(N), $send(N).
$chat(N) nickname
$chat(N).ip ip address
$chat(N).status active, waiting, inactive
$fserv(N) nickname
$fserv(N).ip ip address
$fserv(N).status active, waiting, inactive
$fserv(N).cd current directory
$get(N) nickname
$get(N).ip ip address
$get(N).status active, waiting, inactive
$get(N).file filename
$get(N).size filesize
$get(N).rcvd bytes rcvd
$get(N).cps chars per second
$get(N).pc percent complete
$send(N) nickname
$send(N).ip ip address
$send(N).status active, waiting, inactive
$send(N).file filename
$send(N).size filesize
$send(N).sent bytes sent
$send(N).lra last rcvd ack
$send(N).cps chars per second
$send(N).pc percent complete
70.Can now create your own identifiers, eg. in the aliases section
create an alias:
add { %x = $1 + $2 | return %x }
And then use it in a command //echo Total is: $add(4,21)
Can define as many parameters as you want: $add(1,2,...,N).
Built-in identifiers of the same name have priority.
71.Added "default port" setting to setup/options dialog.
72.Can now use /timer [-o] etc. to start an offline timer. Offline
timers are not stopped if you are disconnected from the server,
however all other timers are. If you are not connected to a server
and you try to start a timer, it defaults to being an offline timer.
73.Chat and Query MDI switches are now separate.
74.Alias, Popup, and Remote editboxes now remember their cursor
line positions and jump to them automatically for each window.
75.Added "Desktop" switch to a window's system menu to toggle mdi/
desktop display of the window.
76.Can now specify a window name with /clear [window].
77.If an address that is in the auto-unban list of the /ban command
is unbanned manually, it is removed from the unban list.
78.PONGs from users are now ignored.
79.Using new method to lookup Local Host and IP Address. mIRC now
connects directly to server and issues a /userhost nickname to
lookup users address and then does a /dns to resolve the IP
address. This means that a user isn't prevented from connecting
to a server if there are any local host lookup problems and it
also means mIRC will be using a named address that has been
verified by the IRC server so there should be no problem looking
up the IP address. The DCC Send/Chat toolbar buttons are enabled
the moment the lookup is completed successfully.
80.Now uses /userhost instead of /whois to look up addresses from
the server.
81.The /run command now uses a different method to run files, it
allows you to run files based on association as well.
eg: /run notepad.exe readme.txt or /run readme.txt
It also uses this new method to view .txt files in the help
menu as well as in other parts of mIRC.
82.Can now do /who <channel> <address> and only users on the
specified channel are displayed.
83.Fixed bug with variable not being evaluated if preceeded by
the text "set" in a line.
84.Now also using new faster indexing method for IAL.
85.Fixed empty [ ] brackets gpfing.
86.Servers are no longer stored in memory but are looked up
when needed from the servers.ini file.
87.DCC Send/Get completion info printed in status window now
also includes time taken and cps.
88.Fixed "error sending data" message at end of dcc send.
89.Variables can handle spaces a bit better now eg. single
spaces, preceeding spaces, etc.
90.Fixed "fake" PONG messages being displayed.
91.Added support for bold/underline/reverse characters. Can
use Ctrl-B,U,R to insert these characters into an editbox.
If you first mark text in the editbox, it will be enclosed
in starting and ending control characters, otherwise one code
will be inserted. If you hold down the shift-key, two codes
are inserted and the cursor positioned between them. You can
also use Control-O to insert a reset character which turns off
all the above settings.
92.Added support for colour characters, use Control-K to insert
a colour control char (0x03) into text in an editbox.
eg. if * is the control char then:
* Selects Default Text and Background
*1 Selects Color 1 for Text, Default Background
*1,5 Selects Color 1 for Text, Color 5 for Background
Colours currently range from 0 to 15.
93.Added flood protect options tab to options dialog.
94.For an ON QUIT event, a users name is now removed from
all channel listboxes *after* this remote event has been
processed, not before it.
95.Added $strip(text) identifier which strips out all bold,
underline, reverse, and colour control codes from text.
96.File dialog defaults to showing ini, txt, or wav files
depending on file being selected.
97.Fixed multiple IRCop-greeting bug thingy.
98.Fixed notify update bug.
99.Fixed ON TEXT $chan being filled with users nickname when
trigger is a private message.
100.Added a switchbar to allow easy switching between windows.
If you click on a button with the left mouse button and
the window is minimized, it is restored, if it is already
restored, it is minimized. If you click with the right mouse
button, the windows system menu pops up. You can turn the
switchbar on/off in Options/Extras dialog.
101./ban won't allow you to initiate a ban if you don't have Ops.
102./amsg and /ame now don't send an individual message for each
channel etc.
103.Page up/down now works in channel listbox.
104.Channels dialog, "Limited to" option allows more digits.
105.ctcp ECHO is no longer replied to.
106.ctcp PING no longer replies to non-numeric values and numeric
values longer than 25 characters.
107.Added $usermode identifier.
108.Channel topics are now stripped of control characters.
109.ON MODE event has changed format to:
1:ON MODE:#channel:/commands...
And it no longer enforces modes. $parms is now filled with
the mode change that was made.
110.Under a 256 color display the orange color appears light brown
instead of orange, all other colors should look exactly the
same under different color displays.
111.Fixed ON BAN double-wildcard-string-matching. Was giving false
matches in certain situations eg. * at end of a string.
112.Changed ordering of masks to:
Type 0: *!user@host.domain
Type 1: *!*user@host.domain
Type 2: *!*@host.domain
Type 3: *!*user@*.domain
Type 4: *!*@*.domain
Type 5: Nick!user@host.domain
Type 6: Nick!*user@host.domain
Type 7: Nick!*@host.domain
Type 8: Nick!*user@*.domain
Type 9: Nick!*@*.domain
The mask types for all routines and identifiers are now identical.
/guser /dns etc. commands all default to type 6 which is the same
mask as before.
113.When mIRC is in the process of doing a channel listing and it
receives a "server load to high" numeric 263, it now resets the
channels list button and other related parameters.
114.Ignores DCCs to a channel.
115./userhost with no reply is now displayed.
116.Added "on top" option for switchbar.
117.Added $duration(seconds) identifier.
118.Added $nofile(filename) which removes the filename and
only returns any remaining path.
119.Added $findfile(dir,filename) which searches the specified
directory and its subdirectories for the specified file and
returns the full path and filename if it is found.
120.Added /ial [on|off] command.
121.Added token handling identifiers:
$addtok(text,token,C) - adds a token to the end of text but
only if it's not already in text.
$findtok(text,token,C) - returns Nth position of token in text
$gettok(text,N,C) - returns Nth token in text
$instok(text,token,N,C) - inserts token into Nth position in text
even if it already exists in text.
$remtok(text,token,C) - removes 1 matching token from text
$reptok(text,token,new,C) - replaces 1 matching token with new
token in text
$gettok() replaces $token(), however $token() is still
supported for this version.
122./ulist now searches the whole of the users level list for
a matching level.
123.A user level can now be a word, for example:
op:ON JOIN:#:/mode $chan +o $nick
Named levels are = levels ie. they work exactly the same
way that = levels work.
124.Added strip options to options dialog. These strip out
control characters from incoming notices and messages.
125.Fixed memory/socket reading bug.
126.Pressing Enter in the parameters dialog without entering
any text now returns $null.
127.Kick, Part, Quit messages have Control-O appended to them.
128.Improved channel MODE change handling, mIRC updates the
mode settings itself so there's no longer a delay.
129.ON MODE reacts to initial mode lookup when mIRC first
joins a channel.
130.Rewrote /auser & /guser routine. Code is cleaner, same
speed, works better eg. doesnt allow redundant levels,
and fixes bugs in the old routines.
131.Added wildcard halting of timers. eg. /timer?* off
132.Fixed messages to #host.mask.
133.Install program now only creates one backup directory and
overwrites any files in it if they already exist.
134.Channels folder now also allows you to enter descriptions
for channels.
135.Added $chan(N/#).property identifer:
$chan(N/#) channel name
$chan(N/#).topic topic
$chan(N/#).mode mode
$chan(N/#).key +k key
$chan(N/#).limit +l limit
$mode() and $topic() are no longer supported. However
$channel() is still supported for this version.
136.Support for the :> redirection in remote definitions has
been removed.
137.Added /strip [+-burc] command.
138./wavplay command has been replaced with /splay command,
which can play both .wav and .mid sound files. Can also
use "/splay stop" to stop a .mid file playing. /wavplay
is still supported for now.
139.The /sound command and related options (ON NOSOUND, etc.)
can now work with .mid files as well as .wav files.
140.Improved/simplified code in the install program.
07/09/96 - mIRC v4.6
1.Now handles various combinations of : and { at the
beginning of a remote definition.
2.Fixed :> redirection.
3.Fixed separator handling in popup menus.
4.ON SNOTICE can now be prevented from displaying info.
5.Now does NOT evaluate identifiers in a command issued
from the command line. If you want to force identifers
to be evaluated, you can prefix the command with two
// instead of just one /.
6.Fixed $1 $2 etc. not working with Function keys.
7.Fixed $dir and $hfile identifiers.
8.Fixed ON KICK missing $parms.
9.Fixed variables section not being saved if commands
section is empty.
10.Fixed DCC Windows not being minimized properly.
11.Explicit support for the DO ctcp command has been
removed. If a user wants to use a DO in their ctcp
definitions, they would have to specifically make
mIRC perform any parameters that another user sends
as commands, eg.:
12.Fixed the -s switch in /echo.
13.Fixed $readini with missing parameters gpfing.
14.$read and $readini now return $null if a line isn't found.
15.Extended the functionality of [ ] so that if they enclose
only a single parameter they will evaluate it even if it
has already been evaluated. eg.:
set %x %y
set %y Hiya!
/echo [ [ %x ] ]
16.DCC Send, Get, Chat, and Fserv now use different Icons.
17.The = switch in remote definitions 1:COMMAND:= wasn't
working properly.
18.Fixed =$nick for on serv/chat.
19.Now handles site bans or masks for addresses that only
have an x.x format instead of the usual x.x.x format.
20.Fixed Aliases "Save To" only saving to mIRC directory.
21.Fixed $asctime() gpf bug.
22.DDE USERS now prefixes nicknames with @ or + if necessary.
23.Now cannot use /writeini to remove items or sections, must
use the /remini command which takes the same parameters.
24.Added $exists(filename) to check if a file exists,
returns $true or $false.
25.Added -n switch to $read which prevents the line read in
from being evaluated or parsed ie. it's treated as text.
26.Added /wallops <message> command.
27.Now supports DALnet /part #channel [message]. The message
is limited to around 60 characters.
28.Fixed extra separator lines being added to certain popup
menus occasionally.
29.Now allows you to dcc chat yourself.
30.Now saves URLs to the urls.ini file.
31.Added $maddress which specifies the currently matched
user address for an event in the remote:
1:TEST:/echo $fulladdress matched $maddress
And added $maddress(address) which returns a matching
address from the remote user list:
32.If the filename specified in $read has no path, it defaults
to the mirc.exe directory (like all other commands).
33.Can now /load -r and /save -r (raw definitions).
34.Added Load/Save items to URLs pop menu which let you
load/save any URL file.
35.Join/part/other text messages are now wrapped.
36.Can now press return in a multi-line editbox in the
middle of a line without sending the text.
37.Added "Play wave" option to notify list which lets you
choose a wave to play when a specific user joins IRC.
38.Added "show notices in active window" option in IRC
switches, and also improved the way notices are
39.Fixed memory bug in fileserver.
40.Improved memory allocation in copy/paste routine.
41.Displays /whowas reply with @ in address.
42.The aliases for .hlp files added to the Help menu now have
the lowest command precedence ie. if an existing alias or
command of the same name exists, the .hlp alias is never run.
43.Now also adds .txt files to the dynamic help menu.
44.The IAL is updated a bit more intelligently to allow
remote definitions to access nicknames that have just
joined/left a channel.
45.Fixed time-out gpf bug which affected Send/Get/FServ.
46.Now triggers ON PART when *you* part a channel.
47.Added $longip(IP address/long IP) which converts a dotted
IP Address to a long IP, and vice-versa.
48.Fixed message not being wrapped when a query window
first opens.
49.Fixed GPFs occurring when viewing URLs.
50.Fixed "me:" prefix for remote definitions.
51.Now supports a /list result with or without RPL_LISTSTART,
to accomodate ircd 2.9.x.
52.Can now specify a filename when saving a window buffer.
53.Added option "Only show notifies in notify window".
54.Fixed "Bad Username" server reply if new user entered an
invalid email address (the userid part was being used
in the ident server).
55./echo 1 $asc($mid(3,1,hi there)) was returning 0 for a space,
now returns 32.
56.Added "fast screen update" option to Extras dialog. This
speeds up text printing by updating the screen after each
"batch" of text instead of each line.
57.Moved "Ignore" to first position in Control dialog.
58.Added a new flood protection method. Just use
/flood [on|off] to turn it on and off.
59.ISON notify lines are broken into less than 500 character
lines now.
60.Added option "Show finger requests" to Options dialog
in Servers section.
61.Fixed /oper with wrong password GPFing (?)
62.Prefixing a command with . prevents it from displaying
its usual message (apart from error messages).
63.Fixed #$$?#="Enter a channel name:" type identifier.
64.Added ON WALLOPS event.
1:ON WALLOPS:*text*:/command...
65.Fixed $true/$false/$null not working in certain
66.Fixed info lines sometimes not being displayed in
DCC Send/Get windows.
67./halt can now prevent the usual text output of raw
numeric events (for most events).
68.Added $bnick identifier which refers to the nickname
of the user being banned. This is not always filled
since sometimes a nickname isn't specified with a
69.Now displays all user modes in status window titlebar.
70.Improved display of info for unknown numerics.
71.Fixed status window not closing when it's opened as
Desktop window and mIRC is exited.
72.Added $ulevel and $clevel which store the remote user
and command levels that matched for an event.
73.The channels list is no longer stored internally but
completely stored in and accessed from the channels.txt
74./remote [on|off] now affects the raw section as well.
75.Can now do /raw [on|off] to turn the raw section on
and off.
76.Fixed mode event -l or -k skipping parameters in a
mode change.
77.Notify window now displays note next to each nickname.
78.Tweaked INI routines.
79.When an error occurs in a DCC Send/Get/Chat, the dcc
window is now closed if "auto-close" is selected in
dcc options.
80.Added ON NOSOUND event triggered when someone sends you
a SOUND request and the sound doesn't exist.
1:ON NOSOUND:/msg $nick I don't have $filename
81.Changed toolbar buttons appearance.
82.Can now do /partall <message>
83.In ON NICK event when you change your nick, the $me
identifier is only updated after remote definitions have
been processed.
84.Now handles #,&,+ channels in aliases, popups, remote,
dialogs, etc. This might affect a few things since &
and + are now special prefix characters.
85.Now saves Servers in servers.ini file.
86.Tweaked DCC Send/Get routines and fixed problem with
DCC windows not displaying the correct information in
certain situations.
87.Standardized INI prefix to "n" for all saved information.
88.Results from a /who and /whois are now used to update
the Internal Address List if the user is on a channel
which you are on. eg. /who #channel.
89./speak now supports both Text Assist and Monologue.
90.Now displays #*.server.co.uk type messages properly.
91.Dropped files with spaces in the filename are now enclosed
in "" quotes.
92.Fixed $parmN1-N2 bug.
93.Added "Font" item to Tools menu.
94.Clicking on "Unban" to unban addresses while in the
Channels dialog now also sets the topic and modes if
you've changed them.
95.Fixed bug with command prefix infront of if/else/elseif
not working properly after { brackets.
96.Fixed RAW definitions being processed from the bottom
of list upwards.
97.Supports /globops command for DALnet.
98.Can now prevent Quit messages from printing in status
window with /halt.
99./userhost results now update IAL.
100.Improved /whois lookup code for /guser,/ruser,/finger,
/dns, etc. commands that look up a users address.
101.Fixed sending multiple files with /dcc send command.
102.Added identifiers $mode(#) and $topic(#) which return
the mode/topic of channels which you're currently on.
103.Added identifier $count(string1,string2) which returns
the number of times string2 occurs in string1.
104.Speeded up remote processing a bit.
105.DCC Get problem for netcom users fixed.
106./links now displays links list properly on ircd 2.9.1 which
sends the list in reverse order (are we surprised? ;)
107.Notify pause time between checks is now based on the total
number of nicks in your notify list. The minimum pause time
is 20 seconds, the maximum pause time is 50 seconds.
108.An alias cannot call *itself* anymore (except indirectly by
calling another alias which calls it).
109.Improved editbox processing routine slightly: now processes
text entered into it even if another window is active or
on top of it.
110.Added /close -icfgms [nick1] [nickN] which closes windows of
the specified type and nicknames. If no nicknames are given,
all windows of the specified type are closed.
i = only close inactive windows (doesnt apply to message windows)
c = chat
f = fserve
g = gets
m = message windows
s = sends
111.Removed /closechats, /closefserves, /closedccs commands. These
are replaced by the /close command.
112.Removed /maxdepth command.
113.Added $timestamp identifier returns time in [xx:xx] format.
114.Now allows you to enter multiple Ports (separated by commas) for
each server. A random port will be picked at each connect.
115.Fixed dcc get time-out bug.
116.Removed "Show transfer progress as percent" switch, now only
displays progress as a percentage.
117.Added "Display fileserver warning" switch to dcc options dialog.
118.Can now hold down the Shift key when tiling to tile vertically.
119.Fixed channel nickname list updating incorrectly with certain
combinations of /mode results.
120.Now supports the ircd 2.9.1 ^G in a JOIN.
121.Now triggers the part event if you close a channel window
manually by clicking on the close button.
122.The TAB key nickname list now only stores the nicknames of people
who sent you normal query/channel messages, not ctcps.
123.Fixed /timer bug.
124./unset can now use wildcards, so /unset %test* will unset all
variables beginning with %test.
125./alias now tells you which alias it's adding/removing.
126.Fixed gpf bug when low number values are used with time
related functions/identifiers.
127.Calling an alias from another alias only passes the required
parameters and not all parameters.
128.Now also handles .chat files which contain tab characters.
129.Negative value variables are now handled properly.
130.Reorganized identifiers-related code a bit (still in progress).
131.Fixed small bug in installation program.
132.Added Event beeps on/off switch in event beeps dialog, also
added an /ebeeps [on|off] command.
133.Fixed MDI channel window listbox/scrollbar display bug.
134.Fixed /unset %var1 ... %varN.
135.Can now hold down Shift key when clicking "connect" toolbar
button to force mIRC to connect to last server and port
again, instead of picking a new server or port.
136.Fixed /return bug.
06/07/96 - mIRC v4.52
1.Fixed UTC permanently.
2.Fixed invalid ctcp replies causing a gpf.
3.Fixed /play bug.
4.Fixed scrollbars not being set properly in some windows
when they first open.
5.Changed method of adding Icons to program manager
in Installation program.
6.Fixed bug in Installation program when installing into
directory names with spaces in them.
7.Fixed the COMMAND DDE topic to work better with certain
types of poked commands.
8.Fixed bug with Popup menus when using { } brackets to
enclose commands in different level menu items.
9.Fixed channels folder bug not allowing you to join a
channel unless it was first added to the list.
10.In COMMANDS, $parm1 now refers to the actual COMMAND.
11.Server notices are now only displayed in status window.
12.Added $address(nickname,type) which scans the internal
address list and returns a users address if it's found.
13.Added $logdir, $getdir, $wavedir, $mircdir which return
current directory paths for each location.
14.Identifiers in remote/popup commands which call aliases
are now evaluated before the alias is called.
15.Fixed ON NOTIFY not being triggered by notify event.
16.mIRC will no longer allow the DO ctcp command to execute
at or below the default user level.
17.Now allows /group, /enable, and /disable commands to be
used with the RAW section.
18.Changed description of Protect option which said it worked
with addresses.. it can only work with nicknames.
19.Added $lf = chr(10) linefeed and $cr = chr(13) return.
20.Added $lof(filename) which returns the size in bytes of
the specified file.
21.Added $pos(string,substring) which returns the position
of substring in string.
22.Fixed bug in remote when parsing { } brackets, was miscounting
and skipping definitions.
23.Made remote routines less strict in the type of format
they expect in definitions. eg. the :> redirection.
24.The channels.txt file now does not store channels that
were excluded in the "Hide" parameters section.
25.Added $send(N) and $get(N) which return currently open
send/get windows.
26.Fixed $chat(N) so it only returns the nickname of the user.
27.Now allows multiple channel names as variables, eg:
1:ON JOIN:%chan1,#mIRC,%chan2:etc...
Or you can do:
1:ON JOIN:%channels:etc...
Where %channels is a list of channels separated by commas.
You can't *combine* these though.
28.Added $mask(address,type) which returns the address
with the specified mask.
29.Identifiers are now passed correctly when calling an alias
from another alias.
30.Added command line parameter -ppassword for use with the
-jchannel parameter. Specifies password to join channel.
31.Now supports the PASSWORD parameter in .chat files for
joining a channel with a password.
1:ON CHATOPEN:/commands...
33.Added /flushini <filename> which flushes the ini file to
disk if it is currently being cached.
34.Added /closedccs, /closechats, and /closefserves, which
close all inactive send/get, chat, and fserve windows.
35.Added $nopath(filename) identifier which returns only
the filename with no path.
36.Fixed $$ not working when used in $$1 $$2 .. $$N.
37.Added $replace(string,substring,replacement)
and $remove(string,substring).
38.Speeded up processing of identifiers and commands.
39.Speeded up display of info in /links window.
40.Fixed NT bug... it didn't like low-level assembly routines.
41.Fixed +v/-v mode display in channel nicknames listbox.
42.The default /list setting for minimum number of people
on a channel has changed from zero to four.
43.Using /halt to prevent certain EVENTs from being displayed
has been removed. It worked, but the order of display of
information became non-intuitive and confusing. Will find
a better way to do this for the next version.
44.Added $result identifier which stores the result of
a /return <result>. The result can be a number between
0 and 30,000.
30/06/96 - mIRC v4.5
1.Major improvement of code in many places. mIRC
now processes many things faster.
2.Fixed possible bug with invalid nicknames being
added to nick list on a channel.
3.Fixed a bug in DDE routines which caused a GPF if
external applications were too slow at processing
DDE messages.
4.Rewrote remote routines, they now look much less
like spaghetti and work better.
5.Can now use [ and ] evaluation brackets to control
the order of evaluation of identifiers. Identifiers
within brackets will be evaluated first, from left
to right. You can nest brackets. This allows you to
evaluate things any way you like...
/notice $nick " $+ [ $read [ -s + [ $parm1 ] ] c:\text\note.txt ] $+ "
/say % [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
Definitions without evaluation brackets are evaluated
the same way as before, though I've also improved the
normal evaluation method slightly.
6.Fixed small $read bug.
7.Can now use server addresses in User list in remote.
8.Added MDI options dialog to the Window menu which
allows you to specify for each individual window if
you want it opened as an MDI or as an independent
desktop window.
9.Standardised command error reply to: * /command: <message>
10.Can now use delete key to delete URLs in URL window
and Insert key to add a new url.
11.Can now use Control-Tab to step through the different
tabs in the setup and options dialogs.
12.Wrote a setup program which allows you to install mIRC
in a directory of your choice, creates backups of your
current files, validates the zipped files to make sure
they're not corrupted, and adds icons to the program
manager for you.
13.Improved DCC Send file dialog, can now select more than
nine files at a time to dcc send.
14.Fixed scrollbar sometimes not being positioned properly
in certain windows.
15.Added /titlebar command which allows you to change the text
in the titlebar on the fly.
16.Added protect list to options dialog, now works
exactly like auto-op command, can specify channels
for each nick.
17.DCC Send/Get/Chat are now fully dynamically allocated
structures ie. there is no limit on the number of DCCs.
This speeds up dcc send/get processing a lot. This also
fixes a few small bugs related to the way the older
structures were being used.
18.Improved the DCC Send/Get transfer windows, they now
give information such as time taken, estimated time
for transfer, characters per second, etc., and a
progress bar.
19.Window sizes for Chat/Server/Send/Get windows are now
saved seperately for each type of window.
20.Added ON BAN remote event, works like ON OP.
5:ON BAN:#tree:/mode $chan -b $banmask
21.Added option to Links window popup menu which lets you
switch between displaying links as plain text or
in a listbox.
22.Wildcard routine now allows ? character to match any
single character, the * is used as normal to match
multiple characters. This affects matching text in
ON TEXT, etc. as well as user addresses. Also fixed a
small bug that was causing mismatches in certain cases.
23.Now allows multiple channels in a remote event
1:ON OP:#moo,#help,#test:/notice ...
24.Now allows %variables to be used in the text and
channel positions of an event definition:
1:ON TEXT:%text:%channel:/notice etc ...
You can also use %variables for ctcp command names:
1:%variable:/notice etc...
25.Added a RAW section to the remote which catches NUMERIC
events. This has it's own separate editbox because if
mIRC had to scan your whole remote events definitions
for each numeric event, things would slow down to a
322:*mirc*:/echo 2 $parms
This would print all lines which have the word "mirc"
in them when you do a channels /list (this is a pretty
intensive test).
26.Fixed bug with notify list not being updated correctly
when a user changed nicknames.
27.For remote events and ctcp commands you can now prevent
the normal text associated with that command from being
displayed by using the /halt command.
1:ON JOIN:#mIRC:/echo 3 #mirc [Joins $nick] | /halt
So from now on when anyone joins channel #mIRC, only
that text is displayed in the channel.
Be warned: you can use this to prevent query windows
from opening, plus other things which mIRC usually
does for an event (though nothing critical).
28.Window structures are now fully dynamically allocated
so there is no limit on the number of windows which can
be opened. This also speeds up processing quite a bit.
29.Now allows alias, popup, and remote definitions like:
<prefix definition> {
/command1 ...
/command2 ...
/command3 ...
One line definitions are handled the same as before.
The characters { } now have special meaning so you
can't use them as normal text anymore.
30.Major improvement of memory usage in command parser.
31.Added "View" URL option in channels list popup menu
which extracts and views a URL immediately.
32.Added a /goto command which can be used in { } definitions.
/greet {
/set %x 0
/inc %x
/goto %x
/echo bye!
/echo hi!
/goto retry
You can also use a variable as a goto name, eg.
if you "/set %jumpoint 5" then you can do "/goto 5"
and mIRC will evaluate %jumpoint to 5 and jump to it.
33.You can now use the /return command to finish processing
an alias command and to allow any default processing to
continue. eg.
/echo 3 #mirc [Joins $nick]
/echo 3 #mirc I'm not printed!
34.Added "Always On Top" setting to system menu of windows
when they are opened as desktop windows.
35.Text in status, queries, and channels windows is now
rewrapped to fit the window whenever a window is resized
or a font is changed.
36.Added two new events:
1:ON FILESENT:*.txt,*.ini:/echo Sent $filename to $nick ( $+ $address $+ )
1:ON FILERCVD:*.txt,*.ini:/echo Received $filename from $nick | /run notepad.exe $filename
These only react to successful DCC transers.
37.Added /writeini command and $readini identifier which use
the built-in ini routines to write/read standard ini files.
/writeini <inifile> <section> <item> <value>
$readini <inifile> <section> <item>
These will allow better control of storage of different
types of information into different sections in a file.
38.Now allows aliases to call other aliases, or even to call
themselves recursively. As a safeguard against infinite
loops, the default maximum recurse depth is set at 10. This
can be changed with the /maxdepth command. The minimum
depth allowed is 1 (aliases can't call other aliases) and
the maximum is 100. Calling aliases from within aliases
uses quite a bit of memory, so this might cause problems
in certain situations where memory is low etc.
39.The /links window now has the save buffer option in the
system menu.
40.Now supports Drag-and-drop files onto channel, channel nick
listbox, query/chat, and notify windows. Can define aliases
for each type of dropped file, as well as different aliases
if the Shift key is pressed when the file is dropped. See
Drag-drop tab in options dialog.
41.The /set /unset /inc /dec commands now default to not
displaying information unless called directly from the
command line. To force them to display info, you can use
the [-s] switch eg. /set -s %x 1
42.Improved the copy routine slightly... if lines being copied
originally belonged to the same line, then they are combined
instead of separated. If you want to force mIRC to copy text
exactly as it appears in the window then hold down the SHIFT
key when you do the mark/copy.
43.In remote, instead of using the * prefix for commands to
be performed only when you're an Op, you can now use the @
sign. Both are handled, but I will only specify the @ in
the documentation since it makes more sense.
44.Increased maximum items for popup menus from 300 to 600.
45.Now ignores any mirc.ini in the windows directory and uses
the mirc.ini in the current mirc.exe path.
46.Invalid CTCP messages are not replied to anymore.
47.Fixed a small time-out bug related to dcc send/get/chat.
48.New Identifiers:
$abs(N) returns the absolute value of number N.
$chr(N) returns the character with ascii number N.
$asc(C) returns the ascii number of the character C.
$len(text) returns the length of "text".
$upper(text) returns "text" in uppercase.
$lower(text) returns "text" in lowercase.
$left(N,text) returns N left characters.
$right(N,text) returns N right characters.
$mid(S,N,text) returns N characters starting at S.
$str(N,text) returns "text" repeated N times.
$token(N,C,text) return Nth token separated by character C
(C is the ascii number of a character)
$lines(file) return number of lines in specified file.
$nick(N,#) returns Nth nickname on channel #.
$snick(N,#) returns Nth selected nickname on channel #.
$opnick(N,#) returns Nth Op nickname on channel #.
$nopnick(N,#) returns Nth non-Op nickname on channel #.
$channel(N) returns the Nth channel that you are on.
$query(N) returns the Nth query window you have open.
$chat(N) returns the Nth dcc chat window you have open.
$notify(N) returns the Nth notify nick currently on IRC.
For the above identifiers you can specify N as 0 (zero)
to get the total number of nicks/channels/etc. for that
$snotify returns notify nick currently selected in
notify list box.
$level(address) finds a matching address in the remote
users list and returns its levels.
$away returns the value $true or $false.
Identifiers/variables can be placed inside the brackets.
Example: /echo $right(3,$left($len(goats),ToMooOrNotToMoo))
49.Added a simple /if statement...
/if v1 operator v2 { ... }
/elseif v1 operator v2 { ... }
/else { ... }
if (((%x == 2) || (%y >= 3)) && ($1 == $parm1)) { echo match1! }
else if ($len(%input) == 5) { echo match2! }
else echo no match!
If/elseif/else can all be nested inside each other. You
should use () and {} brackets to make sure that you're
terms are evaluated correctly though you don't *have* to
use them.
Using brackets also speeds up processing quite a bit since
mIRC then knows exactly what it has to evaluate.
Available comparisons:
== equal to
!= not equal to
< less than
> larger than
>= larger than or equal to
<= smaller than or equal to
// is a multiple of
\\ is not a multiple of
isin string v1 is in string v2
iswm wildcard string v1 matches string v2
ison nickname v1 is on channel v2
isop nickname v1 is an op on channel v2
isnum number v1 is a number in the range v2
which is in the form n1-n2 (v2 optional)
ischan if v1 is a channel which you are on.
isauto if v1 is a user in your auto-op list for
channel v2 (v2 optional)
isignore if v1 is a user in your ignore list with the
ignore switch v2 (v2 optional)
isprotect if v1 is a user in your protect list for
channel v2 (v2 optional)
isnotify if v1 is a user in your notify list.
To negate the above you can prefix them with an !
exclamation mark.
50.In all definitions, you do not need to specify the
/ command character any more for commands since it
is really only needed when typing commands into the
editbox. This also means you don't need to specify
the / when defining aliases, etc. See 51.
51.Variables or identifiers that don't evaluate to a value
now return the value $null so they can be used in the
if statement for checking etc. eg.
listops {
echo 4 * Listing Ops on #
set %i 1
set %nick $nick(%i,#)
if %nick == $null goto done
if %nick isop # echo 3 %nick is an Op!
inc %i
goto next
echo 4 * End of Ops list
52.When entering text in an editbox you can now hold down
the CONTROL key when pressing Enter and the text will be
sent as plain text even if it begins with a command
character. This will also work when you paste text into
the editbox.
53.Text in Alias, Popup, and Remote ediboxes is now auto-
indented when { } brackets are encountered.
54.Enlarged DCC Chat dialog to make it easier to use.
55.You can now use an = (equal sign) to assign values to
%x = 5 + 1
%x = 5 - %y
%x = %x * 2
%x = %z / $2
%x = %x % 3
Can only perform a single operation in an assignment
at this time. You can also still do /set %x 5 + 1.
56.Added $ctime identifier which returns total number of
seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. This
can be used with PING to find out how many seconds it took.
57.Added ON CTCPREPLY to listen for replies to ctcps. eg.:
if ($parm2 == $null) echo [ $+ $nick PING reply]
else {
%pt = $ctime - $parm2
if (%pt < 0) set %pt 0
echo [ $+ $nick PING reply] %pt seconds
58.Identifer $active returns the full name of the currently
active window.
59.Added Font button to alias, popup, and remote dialogs
60.mIRC now automatically gets your web browsers path and
name from the registry if it's there.
61.Channels list is now saved to a file "channels.txt" and the
channels list dialog now has "Apply" and "Get List" buttons.
If "Get List" is pressed then a list is read from the server,
if "Apply" is pressed then the latest list is used whether in
the channels listbox or in the "channels.txt" file. The date
time and server name are also stored in this file.
62.Added "Save to file" item in channels list popup menu which
allows you to save the currently displayed list to a file.
63.Added "PORT" item to DDE which returns the current irc
server port you are using.
64.If userid in ident server is empty then mIRC assumes you're
a new user and automatically fills in the userid from the
email address you entered and turns on the ident server.
65.Can now use the /quote command to do the same thing as /raw.
66.Now supports server-side filtering on UNDERNET channels for
the minimum and maximum number of users on a channel. This
means that you will only recieve a list of channels which
match your choices for these two criteria.
67.Can now use Alt-J to pop up the channels folder dialog.
68.Speeded up display of Channel nicknames listbox. This actually
affects quite a few other things in mIRC since the channels
listbox was being used to store the nicknames for each channel.
Now the nicknames are stored internally. Any command or
function that involves checking/using nicknames is now far
faster than before.
69.Now sounds an event beep when a chat that you initiated
makes a connection.
70.Can now set a string variable to an empty string with "".
eg. set %name "" or %s = ""
71.Text in the alias/popup/remote dialogs is now displayed
72.The Wait cursor is now used in more places to give a
better indication of when mIRC is busy doing something.
73.Can now select multiple files in the Log File listbox
to make deleting files easier.
74.For $read and /play you no longer need to specify the
number of lines in a file on the first line of the file.
If you do, mIRC will use the number and will work faster,
if you don't mIRC will count the lines itself.
75.Can now use Control-Break to break out of a currently
executing alias in case it's in an infinite loop, etc.
76.mIRC now defaults to using aliases.ini, popups.ini, and
remote.ini files if these files aren't specified in mirc.ini,
and if these sections aren't found in mirc.ini. If these
files don't exist, mIRC will create them.
77.Added /alias command which allows you to add and remove
aliases from the aliases list. Only works for *single line*
78.Colour now works in DCC Chats.
79.Speeded up Tab display in setup and options dialogs.
80.Fixed Editbox bug when pressing enter and text isn't sent.
81.DDE Server now defaults to ON with service name MIRC.
82.Added "CONNECT" DDE topic, which connects you to a server and
joins a channel. The data format is: irc.funet.fi,6667,#mIRC,1
where the last digit is a 1 or 0 indicating whether you want
mIRC to be activated or not. This is an XTYP_POKE.
83.Converted some routines to assembly to increase speed.
84.Added $asctime() which converts the value returned by $ctime
or a PING into a full date in text format.
85.Added support for ctcp UTC.
86.Now ignores DCC-related ctcps sent to a channel.
87.Shift-F1 now pops up the keyword search dialog for the help file.
27/04/96 - mIRC v4.1 (final bugfix release)
1.Fixed /sound being limited to eight character
channel/nick names.
2.Fixed mirc.ini file being corrupted in
certain situation.
3.Fixed servers sorting bug in setup dialog.
4.Added /links window which displays a list
of all servers in the network and allows
easy connecting, etc.
5.Fixed character | bug in nicknames/userids.
6.Fixed small ON CHAT bug.
7.Fixed DCC Get minimize button not remembering
8.Fixed $ bug.
9.Fixed icon highlighting bug.
10.Fixed bug that was intermittently affecting
various commands.
11.Fixed /ctcp with "dcc" in nickname bug.
12.reFixed Beep.
13.Fixed not replying to server PING bug.
14.Fixed /unset command not working in an alias.
15.Now saves window buffer to ".log" instead
of a ".txt" file.
16.Added Log file listbox and View/Delete log
to Logging options dialog.
17.Now displays in the status bar the *actual*
address of the server you connect to.
18.Improved context sensitive F1 help key to
work with more dialogs.
19.Fixed small identd and finger bug.
20.Added Fileserver warning dialog to warn
new users.
21.Added $hfile identifier which is like the $file
dialog except it lists files horizontally.
22.Fixed fileserver "read" command bug.
23.Added option to display identd requests.
24.Improved mark/copy text routine a bit.
25.Remodelled about dialog.
26.Fixed socks firewall access.
27.Added $++ identifier which works the same as
the $+ identifier but does the concatenation
after the previous item has been evaluated, so
something like this works now:
/say " $+ $read c:\test.txt $++ "
28.Auto-join on invite now ignores invites to
channel 0. (/join 0 makes you part all channels,
seems to be an irc server feature).
29.Finger window is restored if it is minimized
when you try to do a finger.
30.Changed /list command so you don't have to prefix
the wildcard text with a #. eg. /list help
and /list *help* is turned into /list help
31.Now displays /whois Idle time in hours/minutes/
seconds format instead of just seconds.
32.Clicking on "Arrange Icons" now places icons
behind open windows when arranging them.
33.Now shows both server name and Port number
when connecting.
34.Status window default height is now larger.
35.Now handles "erroneous nickname" better.
36.If no directory is specified in the wave filename
for the /wavplay command, it now defaults to the
wave directory specified in the Sound Requests
options dialog.
37.Other things.
20/03/96 - mIRC v4.0 (final version)
1.Fixed standard editbox popup menu under 95 not
being displayed on a right mouse-click.
2.Fixed problem with /ctcp to a user with "dcc"
in nickname.
3./query command pops an existing window to the
front if it's hidden.
4.Fixed "parameter dialog" popping up bug.
5.Fixed Channel Dialog gpf bug if kicked while
dialog still open.
6.Dynamic help menu now displays a list of .hlp files
in mIRC's directory, as well as the readme.txt,
versions.txt, and update.txt files, for quick
access. Also adds internal aliases that match
these filenames, so if you have "winsock.hlp" in
the help menu you can type /winsock <topic>. The
menu is always updated before it is displayed.
8.Added "play wave" options to event beeps section.
9.Now remembers DDE settings across sessions,
added to "Servers" section in options dialog.
10.Added "Popup notify window on connect" option.
11.Added new configurable menu which allows you to
add a menu to the main menu bar. This menu has
the functionality of both the main, query,
and nickname popup menus, and allows you to
define commands that work in different types
of windows.
12.Can now test for and prevent SOUND ctcp's
in the remote.
13.Fixed channel list "Hide" parameters being
erased in certain situations.
14.Modularized Tab dialog routines so now they're
"completely" independent of the rest of the code.
15.Improved setup dialog/server selection:
a) Added "group" definition to servers. When sorting
the servers list this groups servers with the
same group name together.
b) Added "connection retry" options. One second
delay inbetween connect retries.
c) Can select multiple servers to connect to.
d) Can do "/server groupname" which will cycle through
all servers of group "groupname" when trying to connect.
When using the 16bit mIRC, winsock will "freeze" sometimes
when cancelling a connection. This is because winsock has
to timeout... as far as I know, mIRC can do nothing about
this since it is built-in to winsock, so even if mIRC
cancels a connection, winsock still waits for 10 seconds
*anyway* before completing the cancellation. This might
result in other problems.
16.Added "Popup channel folder on connect" option.
17.Now capitalizes the first word in a ctcp message.
a) Now has it's own window in options dialog.
b) Number of nicks is unlimited.
c) Allows little notes for each nickname.
19.Added /commands [on|off], turns remote commands on/off.
/events [on|off] turns only events on/off, and
/remote [on|off] now turns both commands and events on/off.
20.Added other beep/close options to dcc options dialog.
21.Fixed $parms bug, was only storing first 256 chars.
22.Added "Place ? marked urls at top of list" option in url options.
23.Can now do "/ignore -auN", which unignores the
specified address after N seconds. Can now also do,
/ignore -apcnti, where p=private,c=channel,n=notice,
24.Can now enter auto-op addresses with channels,
eg. nick!user@address,#mirc,#mircplus
25.All /dde commands are now buffered and sent at intervals
specified by the DDE delay option.
26.Added /clearall command which clears buffers of all
status, channel, and private windows.
27.Now warns you if you try to quit mIRC when there are
DCC Transfers in progress.
29./links command results are now displayed in a coloured
tree fashion to make it more readable (?)
30.Added "pop up setup dialog on startup" option.
31.Improved speed of text display slightly.
32.Fixed /rlevel not removing levels in certain situations.
33.Added -s<text> option to /write command, scans file for a
line beginning with <text> and writes to it.
35.Added /groups [-e|d] command which lists all, enabled,
and disabled groups in remote definitions.
36.Can now use #$?#="etc." which will ask for a channel
name if you try to use the command in a non-channel
window, otherwise it uses the channel name of the
currently active channel window.
37.Command parsing routine completely rewritten, much
more robust and evaluates identifiers etc. more
intelligently now. However, because of increased
processing/checking etc. this routine is now slower
than the older routine.
38.Moved Ident server options to setup dialog.
39./speak command requests are now also placed
in delayed DDE queue.
40.Added variable support:
/set [-q] <%var) [value]
/unset [-q] <%var> [%var2] ... [%varN]
/inc [-q] <%var> [value]
/dec [-q] <%var> [value]
Can be edited in Variables section in remote dialog.
41.Iconized Notify and Url windows are now highlighted
whenever their contents change.
42.Notify and URL toolbar buttons are now also highlighted
if either the window isn't open or isn't active.
43.Fixed /ctcp nick VER bug.
44.Fixed beeping bug where mIRC wasn't beeping properly
for some users.
45./sound now doesn't require you to specify a message.
46.Added $level which represents users level in remote.
47.Added /remove <filename> which deletes the specified file.
48.Added $cd which represents users current directory
in a fileserver session (Used in ON SERV event).
49.Specifying a nickname in the finger dialog now works
the same way as /finger <nickname>.
50.Can now use /nick while not connected to server:
/nick <nickname> [alternate]
51.Fixed bug in resolving dns addresses.
52.Fixed /finger not resolving for some users.
53./auto and /ignore now *add* an address by default,
to remove an address you can use the -r switch.
ie. they do not toggle anymore.
54.Added Firewall option, doesn't allow DCC's through
a firewall yet though.
55.Added "IP method" option for users with different
winsock setups.
56.Fixed DCC Sending a file with the same name as users
nickname (would result in an error message).
57.Fixed URL sorting in url window.
58.Now tests to see if dcc send filename is a system device,
if so dcc send is ignored.
59.Fixed & characters in editboxes in options dialog
being messed up.
60.Fixed disappearing ini and temp files not being removed (?)
61.Fixed "read" in fileserver allowing read access to files
outside home directory.
62.Fixed occasional "notice" gpf.
63.Fixed ctcp TIME missing trailing ^A.
64.Fixed Status window saving/reset not working.
65 Can now specify -sgroupname on the command line.
66.Other bits and pieces.
06/01/96 - mIRC v3.92
1.Fixed /sound gpf bug.
2.Fixed security bug in remote.
3.Fixed gpf bug on windows opening due to old
window pos/size format in mirc.ini.
4.Changed fingers storage method in mirc.ini.
5.Improved Channels List dialog.
6.Popups are now fully allocated dynamically.
7.Changed $file identifier to display only files,
can now use $dir to display both directories
and files.
8.Added /font command which pops up the font
9.Added "Extract URL" menu item to channels list
popup menu, which extracts a URL from a channels
topic and puts it in the URL list.
10.DCC Send "percent" info is now updated when
an Ack is received, not when a packet is sent.
11.Fixed $parms not working with $read.
12.Speeded up tabs display in options dialog slightly.
13.Small improvements in DDE response speed.
14.Function key aliases can now execute several
commands by using the | command seperator.
15.Fixed DCC gpf problem (?)
16.Fixed $read not closing files in certain situations.
17.When entering text in an editbox mIRC now beeps
when you are within 30 characters of the maximum
allowed line length.
18.mIRC now works with the three major WWW Browsers.
19.Fixed '=' prefix processing bug in remote.
28/12/95 - mIRC v3.9
1.Fixed the /join KEY bug.
2.Add -q switch to /raw which makes the /raw command
work "quietly", not printing out what it's sending.
3.Fixed channel folder dialog not remembering
added/deleted channels when pressing OK.
4.Now /ignores invites as well.
5.Fixed the remote DO command.
6.Can now handle &channels, fully supported in aliases,
popups, and remote definitions.
7.Redecorated. Tending towards simple and uncluttered
menus and interface.
8.Removed font dialog, can now change a font only from
a windows system menu.
9.Can now do /me or /action in dcc chat windows.
10.The 32bit under 95 now saves logs and buffers using
the full length filename.
11.ON TEXT etc. now allow wild card matches using
multiple * in the match text.
NOTE: the text matching routine in ON TEXT etc.
doesn't use the = sign anymore, as it's now redundant.
12.Found bugs in the wildcard matching routine while
making ON TEXT work with it. Fixed.
13.Made Tabs in options dialog more 95-ish. The bold
font is still there though, sorry, I like it!
14.mIRC now does NOT reply to unknown ctcp messages,
it just prints them in your window as usual and
then ignores them (as per the RFC).
15.Aliases now work better when called from remote
16.Fixed -l# switch in play command.
17.Improved positioning of various dialogs.
18.DALnet URL catching on joining a channel now works.
19.Nicks in notify list are no longer forced to lowercase.
20./save can now be used in an alias with | separators.
21.Added -stext option to $read, which scans the specified
file for a line beginning with the specified text.
22./pop delay is now randomly *close* to the number you
specify as a delay.
23.Fixed /server N (specifying server number).
24.Fixed window bug possibly related to dcc gpfs.
25.Added -u# switch to /ban command which specifies delay
time before unbanning the specified ban. Minimum delay
time is 10 seconds. If no number is specified, it defaults
to 30 seconds. eg. /ban -u15 nick
26./fingering a nick now only adds the nick's address to the
fingered addresses list, not the users whole irc address.
27.Now allows an unlimited number of /timers.
28.Fixed ini specification on command line.
29.Improved dynamic memory allocation in various places.
30.Added notify list window. Can use the toolbar notify button
or /notify [-sh] to show/hide the window. Please note that
there is a minimum window width under 95 that I haven't
been able to override.
31.Address returned by IAL was sometimes invalid. Fixed.
32.Added [-ar] switches to /notify, /protect, /ignore,
which forces the command to -add or -remove a nick
instead of toggling it.
33.Added $site identifier for remote addresses.
eg. for khaled@mardam.demon.co.uk
$site = mardam.demon.co.uk
34.Now allows /sound in dcc chats.
35.Added minimal DDE support, as well /dde command and
a $dde identifier, to be expanded. See DDE section in
help file for description
36.Added "Edit" button for editing finger file in options
37.Can now access popup menus in the notify, URL, and channels
list window through the keyboard. Pressing RETURN performs
a "double-click", pressing SPACE pops up the popup menu.
38.Added Alt-N for notify and Alt-U for URL windows.
39./msg command now by default doesn't switch to the
window you're sending a message to unless you specify
the [-s] switch. eg. /msg -s hiya!
40.Added /timestamp [on|off] command.
41.Added /partall command which parts all the channels
you're currently on.
42.Added "Minimize DCC get window" option.
43.Added $adate (for US style month/day/year),
and $fulldate which spells it all out.
44.Added a "time to activate" option to the /timer
command, eg. /timer1 11:30 1 1 /say It's now 11:30am
45.Fixed "filename" in quotes with no spaces bug.
46.Fixed using $?="text" identifier.
47.Added $file identifier, eg. in a popup menu item:
Play Wave:/wavplay $file="Select a Wave!" c:\waves\*.wav
48.Fixed disappearing aliases/popups/remote bug, where
filenames for each of these were being reset to the
mirc.ini file.
49.Added a "/timers off" switch which allows you to turn
off all active timers.
50.Alt-L now pops up the Channels List dialog.
51.Added /disconnect command, hard disconnect from server
without a /quit.
52.Fixed ON SNOTICE reacting twice to server notices.
53.Fixed/Improved other bits and pieces.
25/11/95 - mIRC v3.8
1.Added option to show invites in active window.
2.Fixed $! bug.
3.Added option to auto-resume existing files.
4.Fixed /echo with invalid parameters gpfing.
5.Option dialog now remembers it's "view" across
6.Paused op wasn't clearing a nick from it's list
immediately if a nick parted or quit, but had to
timeout first.
7.Added /speak <text> command which uses monolog
to speak the specified text.
8.Added /dns <nick/address> which resolves addresses.
If mIRC sees a "." in the name you specify it assumes
it's an address and tries to resolve it. Otherwise
it assumes it's a nickname and does a /whois to
find the users address and then looks it up. If you
give it an IP address, it looks up the host name.
9.Removed small users window in remote dialog, now
using one big window for users, commands, and events.
10.The Add Dialog has been discontinued. Check out the
alias, popup, and remote dialogs for the improvement.
11.Finally fixed DCC Send/Get windows sometimes
not auto-closing at end of transfer (?)
12.Right-clicking in a non-active window will now
bring it to the top and make it active.
13.Fixed socket error message when running second
copy of mIRC (didn't actually affect anything).
14.For new users, mIRC no longer copies the mirc.ini
to the windows directory but leaves it and uses it
in the same directory as the EXE. However, if it
finds an mirc.ini in the windows directory it will
use it (to remain compatible with older users).
15.Small fixes relating to Function keys.
16.Can now use /load -apuce <file.ini> or
/save -apuce <file.ini> to load and save aliases,
popups, and remote sections from the command line.
NOTE: You can only refer to one section at a time,
so you can't do /load -ap some.ini.
17.All memory in the parsing and remote routines is
now allocated dynamically.
18.Added ignore options to dcc send/chat in the dcc
options dialog. Can also use /sreq and /creq
(send request and chat request) with the parameters
[ ask | auto | ignore] from the command line.
19.Added "ON CHAT:text:/msg ..." and ON SERV events to
scan text in dcc chat windows and fileserver windows.
20.Added command line option to connect to a server and
join channels which is more of a standard WWW link
definition: //server:port/#channel,#channel
21.Fixed GPF problem for some users when quitting mIRC (?)
22.Added /flush [levels] command. This clears the remote user
list of nicknames that are no longer valid. For each nick
in the user list that matches the specified levels mIRC
checks to see if that nick is on any of the channels that
you are currently on. If not, the nick definition is removed
from the user list. If you do not specify [levels] then
mIRC clears all nicks from the user list that don't exist
on channels you are on.
23.Added "me" prefix to remote definitions, eg.:
me:1:ON JOIN:/msg etc...
This limits a command definition to reacting only to
events caused by your client. This is useful in case you
use Bots which have the same address as you.
24.The address in the Finger dialog now defaults to
the last address which was fingered.
25.The /play command has been improved in a major way,
it can now queue requests (see the help file!)
26.Fixed bug with highlighting in query windows.
27.Added Finger server (must be set up in a certain
way, see the help file on how to do this).
28.Added ON SNOTICE event, which listens for server
notices and can filter them ie. prevent them from
being displayed.
29.Remodelled the setup dialog. Can now also store
an unlimited number of servers.
30.If /finger sees a "." in the parameter you give it, it
will assume it's an address and will finger it, otherwise
it will assume it's a nickname and will do a /whois on the
nick to find their address and use that for the finger.
31.Added option to change tooltip delay.
32.Split the "Beep on window message" option into two...
"Beep on channel message" and "Beep on query message".
33.Fixed the notify bug which would result in mIRC telling
you all the people on your notify list are on... then
off... then on... then off...
34.Simplified /timer code and fixed a small bug in it.
35.Command line window buffer has increased to 30 lines.
36.Now catches server numeric 328 for URL description
when joining a channel on DALnet (they might not have
implemented this yet).
37.Fixed toolbar buttons colours when the default system
colours are changed.
38.The 32bit mIRC can now dcc send/get LFN's with spaces
in them. Unfortunately, other clients won't be able to
receive these properly! See the "DCC Send" section in
the help file which explains the problem.
You can also do: /dcc send nickname "this is a.text file"
39.Added -nnick1,nick2 command line option which sets
your nicks to these values.
40.Overhaul of irc and parsing routines, simplified and
speeded up.
41.Added [on | off | close] to /url command to turn on/off
catching urls and to close the URL window.
42.Added option "Show modes in channel".
43.Now gives the reason why you can't join a channel.
44.If you have "rejoin channel when kicked" turned on
and you are kicked, mIRC will keep the channel
window open while it tries to rejoin and will only
close it if it can't.
45.If a /play filename doesn't have a directory spec. it
defaults to the mirc.exe directory.
46.Added a flexibile /write command which writes lines
to a file.
47.Added "Show queries in active channel window" which
shows private messages from other users in a channel
window without opening a query window.
48.Added "TAB" key putting "/msg nickname" into the editbox
where "nickname" is the nick of the last person who
messaged you. If you press TAB repeatedly it cycles
through the nicks of the last five people who messaged
49.Now shows who set the topic and at what time when you
join a channel on Undernet and DALnet.
50.Fixed small bug with the /sound command not checking
properly if a sound file exists.
51.The Options dialog now uses Tabs. I had trouble using
existing TabDialog DLL's, so I coded my own Tab
display routines.
52.Fixed /channel dialog bug which would occur if you
typed /channel repeatedly while it was in the middle
of retrieving the channel info.
53.Fixed a problem with /whois replies, the format of
the reply has changed and is hopefully clearer now.
54.Can now also define Shift and Control Function key
24/10/95 - mIRC v3.72
1.Fixed $parms not being passed in a redirection.
2.Can now /play to any channel/nick without needing
to have that window already open.
3.Added -ttopic option to /play which looks for the
specified [topic] in a text file and plays it to
the specified nick/channel.
4.Added $pnick identifier which refers to the nick/channel
which is currently being played to, so you can use it
in /played commands.
5.Allows #$parmN to force a parameter to be a channel.
6.Fixed DCC Resume filesize bug.
7.Added option to show notifies in active window.
8.Completely reorganized the Options dialog as it was
too crowded and it was getting harder to add new options.
Now divided into sections, and also incorporates the
options in the extras, url, sounds, and ident dialogs.
The menus and toolbar buttons have been re-organized
9.Fixed QUIT bug when exiting mIRC while still connected.
It was sending a part instead of a quit to the server.
10.Fixed /timer not releasing it's memory in certain
11.Fixed positioning of : in some raw commands.
12.Fixed setting of focus to windows.
13.Added option to dump joins/parts to status window.
14.Now shows DCC transfers percentage/size at head
of window title for win95 users.
15.Messages from irc ops of the form $address or
#address are now displayed in the server window
in pretty purple as opposed to opening up a query
16.Added "clear list" button to dcc chat dialog (the
DCC Send dialog uses the same list).
17.The /pop delay value can be up to 15 seconds now.
18.The weird DCC Send dialog bug was fixed (?)
19.Improved copy/paste routine memory allocation.
20.Fixed /sound with invalid parameters gpfing.
21.Fixed some toolbar colours not being displayed
correctly for some buttons.
22.Number of channels in channel list window is now
shown at beginning of title.
23.Text printed with the /echo command is now wrapped.
24.Added $r(v1,v2) identifier, returns random number
or letter between v1 and v2.
25.Fixed Ident server time-out bug.
12/10/95 - mIRC v3.7
1.An *iconified* channel list window is not restored
if a /list is done, instead it's icon is placed above
current windows (without focus) for easy access.
2.The Join Channel dialog can now handle multiple
3.The /timer can now work with aliases again.
4.Can now prevent an identifier from being evaluated
the first time through the alias routine by prefixing
it with a ! for example: $!read, $!url, $!me, etc.
This allows you to use it in a /timer command if you
want the identifier to be re-evaluated every time.
5.Fixed /channel dialog bug and improved memory
allocation for the ban list.
6.Fixed bug in status window sizing.
7.Fixed Timer dialog bug, when selecting cancel
timer wasn't being reset correctly.
8.Improved grouping of switches in options dialog.
9.Fixed "disconnected" bug while trying to connect
to another server if already connected to one.
10.Cleaned up popup menu routines.
11.Major improvement in robustness of input,
general irc, and remote routines.
12.Wrote my own read and write INI routines for parts of
the mirc.ini file since the standard INI routines
were too slow. Loading and saving is almost instant now.
13.Fixed windows not being saved/closed properly on exit.
14./play now works when used in remote commands.
15.Added /echo command which prints text in the specified
window (for debugging purposes).
16.Now using 0x04L in dialog definitions so that
3D dialogs under win95 are automatic.
17.Can now do "/server N" where N is the Nth server
in the server list.
18.Fixed font selections not being saved correctly.
19.Added URL catcher window which automatically catches
URLs from text in channels etc. and stores them in
a listbox. You can then send a URL to your WWW browser
directly through mIRC. Type /url [-d] to open the window.
Use -d to clear all ? marked items before showing the list.
20.If a nick in the notify list is prefixed with a + sign
a /whois is done on it on a notify.
21.Added sounds dialog and a new /sound command which
allows multiple users on a channel to hear sounds at
the same time (assuming they have the same wave files).
format: /sound [nick/channel] <file.wav> <message>
22.Fixed problem with % in channel names (and other things).
23.Fixed channel dialog "Key already set" bug.
24.Added $url identifier which references the currently
active URL in your WWW browser.
25.Added option in extras dialog to redefine command char.
26.Now automatically sets cursor to last edited window in
remote and popup dialogs.
27.Now uses a different format for commands/events:
Old format: 1:PING:/notice *1:$nick hi there
New format: 1:PING:/notice $nick hi there
This greatly simplifies processing, the routines
are now probably more than twice as fast as before.
mIRC will automatically detect and convert old format
definitions on startup (and when /add is used).
28.mIRC now maintains an internal list of nick!user@address
for all users that are on the same *channels* as you. Whenever
a /guser, /ruser, or /ban is issued, the internal list is
searched first to find the nick's address. If no match is
found, the normal /whois stuff is done.
29.Now opens log files in shared mode.
30.The nickname in the DCC Send dialog now defaults to
the last nick to which a file was sent.
31.Added $snicks which returns a list of the selected
nicks in the current channel listbox. The list is
in the form: nick1,...,nickN, so you can only use it
in commands which take multiple nicks.
32.Greatly improved/simplified address matching routine.
33.Can now do /ignore <nick> [type] which looks
up the specified nick's address by doing a /whois,
same as the /auser, /ban, etc. commands.
34.DCC Get dialog now allows you to specify a different
directory for the incoming file.
35.In the setup dialog, a server is highlighted after
it is added to the server list.
36.The nickname in the DCC Chat dialog now defaults to
the last nick that was chatted to.
37.Aliases can now be called from popup, remote, timer,
play, and any other definitions. You can now also call
several aliases on one line seperated by a | like normal
commands. eg. 1:HELP:/help1 $nick | /help2 $nick
(Aliases still can't call other aliases).
38.Can now have up to 30 timers, also improved memory
allocation for timers.
39.Fixed bugs with the /add function.
40.Fixed Clipboard missing last character bug (?)
41.Default directories for the file/dir dialogs
weren't being set correctly.
42.The /notify command was checking twice instead
of only once for nicks.
43.The /timer command now also remembers the parameter
line that was around when the /timer was issued.
44.The 32bit mIRC should now handle LFNs okay.
45.Can now do level comparison for ON KICK, ON OP,
and ON DEOP, prefix a line with <,>,<=,>=,<>,=
compares levels of eg. kicker and kicked and only
executes definition if true.
46.Attempted improvement and cleaning up of server
oriented commands and their replies.
47."signon time" in a /whois on the undernet and dalnet
is now shown correctly.
48.Can now specify a server on the command line
eg. -sirc.server.addr:6667
and mirc will connect to that server on startup.
(You can combine this with the -j parameter to
force it to join specific channels too).
13/09/95 - released mIRC v3.64 patch
1.Fixes the *1-3 type bug.
11/09/95 - mIRC v3.64
1.Fixed Local Host and IP address bug, added options
in the setup dialog. Now works for any combination
of requirements for people with different types of
internet connections (see Setup in mirc.hlp!)
2.$read command improved so you can specify
a line number with [-l#]. For example:
/silly /say $read -l5 silly.txt
This will read line 5 of silly.txt.
3.Now using "Common Dialogs" for file/directory selection,
as well as for the DCC Send dialog (Long filenames
are NOT yet supported).
4.Optimized Remote routines - should be faster now.
5.Can now use $read in remote definitions. For example:
1:TEST:/notice *1:$nick I said " $+ $read c:\langs\mirc\test.txt $+ "
6.Can now store up to 50 IRC server addresses in Setup dialog.
Storage format in mirc.ini has changed, but will still read
the old format.
7.Finger button now pops up a red flag while finger is busy.
The flag disappears when finger has been completed.
8.Bug with Maximized mIRC window fixed.
9.Finger and Timer dialogs now popup under their
respective buttons.
10.Added "Channels Folder" button which allows you to join
a channel as well as maintain a list of your favourite channels.
11.Added "List Channels" button which pops up the List
parameters dialog, allowing you to quickly list channels.
12.Fixed NT GPF bug when using toolbar.
13.Added -j<#channel> command line option. For example:
mirc.exe -j#mirc,#friendly,#etc
The specified channels will be joined on connect. You
MUST have an mirc.ini with the "Connect on startup" option
14.Fixed another bug with using * to begin a non-parameter
identifier. eg. *mardam.demon* in aliases/etc.
15.The /auser /guser and /ruser commands can now handle multiple
levels. They have only been extended, so they are still
compatible with your previous formats.
/auser [-a] <level(s)> <nick | address>
/guser [-a] <level(s)> <nick> [type]
/ruser [level(s)] <nick> [type]
For /auser /guser, the default is to replace any existing
user with the specified levels (as usual). The [-a] option
means add the specified level(s) to an existing users levels.
The /ruser command removes the specified levels from an
existing user. If all levels are removed for a user, the
user is removed.
See the Remote section in the Help file!
16.Can now do /mode # +oooo nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4
17./play can now be used in a remote/event definition.
18.Extended the /rlevel command to also work with multiple
/rlevel [-r] <level(s)>
If the [-r] is NOT specified, it works as usual. If
the [-r] IS specified, the specified level(s) are removed
from users that have them. If a user's levels are ALL
removed, the user is removed.
19.Fixed bug with Green box being drawn around iconized
window in response to wrong messages.
20.Fixed several bugs in /play with using -r and -l.
The format has changed slightly to:
/play [-crl#] <filename> [delay]
This now allows you to specify a delay for -r and -l,
You must now specify the line number like this:
/play -l24 file.txt 1000
21.Text colours are now ok when using > 256 color setup.
31/08/95 - mIRC v3.6
1.Highlight Box around an Icon now turns green if a highlighted
word is spoken in a window.
2.Fixed Ping Pong bug which was preventing lines from being
sent properly to the server.
3.Fixed Editbox/Colors bug in Extras dialog.
4.Inserting blank lines in Remote/events/aliases between
commands would lead to loss of following definitions.
5.Channel list window would clear if you disconnected and then
connected again.
6.Aliases, Remote Users, Commands, and Events definitions are now unlimited.
ie. you can have as many as you want, however the limitation is the
size of the editbox (around 30k?).
7.Fixed font dialog bug when tabbing with cursor keys.
8.Popups are still limited to 300 menuitems for each popup menu.
9.Max. length of a line in aliases, remote, and popups is approx. 600 chars.
Same applies to lines in the Options dialog.
10.Now allows a non-op to change topic in channel dialog.
11.Fixed :) bug.
12.Fixed /auser /guser bug.
13.Fixed /channel dialog title bug.
14.Added a simple NON-configurable toolbar with tooltips.
A Configurable toolbar would take a lot of work, so I probably
won't get around to adding it (so don't ask! :)
15.Fixed ctcp PING reply missing a Ctrl-A at the end (?)
16.Specifying a /who *146.219* numerical address would mess up because
the *1 is a parameter specifier. mIRC now checks to see if there is
a . in the number, and if so it doesnt try to expand it.
17./play command can now play single lines randomly picked from
a file (a specific line can also be specified). The format is:
/play [-crl] [channel/nick] <filename> [delay/linenumber]
Using -r means pick a line randomly, using -l means pick
a specific line specified by linenumber. The first line in the
file MUST specify the number of lines in the file. Any *1 $1 etc.
identifiers CANNOT be used in the played line.
18.Added $read identifier which picks a line randomly from a file.
eg. /say $read c:\funny.txt
/kick # $1 $read c:\kicks.txt
The first line in the file MUST specify the number of lines
in the file. $read will insert ANY text, even commands with
identifiers, and these will work like normal commands.
19.Added Fast Send checkbox to DCC Send dialog.
20.Fixed scrolling keys in Channel list and finger windows.
21.Made Font list longer in font dialog.
22.Added "auto-join on invite" option to options dialog. An
auto-joined channel is initially minimized (this might not
always work for various reasons...)
23.Added Function key support F1 to F12. Define in the alias
window like a normal alias for example:
/F1 /say Hello!
/F5 /query $1 (for use on nick listbox in channel window)
24.Font width measurement for copy/paste wasn't correct for
certain types of fonts.
25.Fixed problem with minimized windows being sized wrongly.
26.Fixed /channel bug. Now times out after 30 seconds, at
which point another /channel can be issued. BUT if the old
/channel command is replied to, your status window will fill
up with ban list information for that channel. No way around
this I'm afraid!
13/08/95 - mIRC v3.51 (minor update)
1.Fixed garbage character output bug.
2.mIRC16 wasn't recognizing version reply from Win95.
3.Making mIRC active with a click wasn't setting the focus
to the active window correctly.
4.Fixed security bug in the fileserver.
7.Fixed $day bug.
8.Removes unused bold/italic/etc. characters from lines.
9.Fixed ON MODE bug with +/-k.
10.Fixed GPF bug in on mode/servermode.
11.Fixed Reset bug, wasn't resizing small windows properly.
12.mIRC wasn't outputting to the status window if it was
starting out maximized.
13.The /auser, /guser, /ruser, /enable, and /disable commands
now do NOT save changes immediately to the INI file when
they are used. Remote information is now saved either on
exiting mIRC, or if the remote dialog is opened/closed.
14.Now uses the ctl3d dialogs as default. The -d is ignored,
but you can now use -n to disable the 3d dialogs.
15.Complete dialog interface improvements (for mook ;)
16.Commands using $* were not processing commands following them.
17.Fixed socket() initialization bug in various routines.
18.Improved how mIRC uses/gets your local hostname and ip address.
19.Fixed fileserver dirinfo.srv bug.
07/08/95 - mIRC v3.5
1.Using IP address of a server now works...!
2.A ctcp ACCEPT/RESUME now doesn't look at the filename
to make a match but only at the port number.
3.Fixed perform option being executed after every MOTD.
4.Notify on initial connect is now done just before Perform option.
5.Fixed bug in displaying wrong Server Name in titlebar after
changing server name in setup.
6.Scrollback buffer wasn't freeing lines properly.
7.Added $time, $day, and $date as parameter types.
8.Prefixing a remote event with '*' means it should only
be performed if you have Ops on the event channel.
9.Optimized Text Copy routine - now faster/smoother.
10.Fixed divide by zero GPF in /pop routine.
11.Modified Op status checking routine.
12.Added a font dialog.
13.Width of user listbox in channel is now measured properly to
take account of fixed/variable width fonts.
14.Improved mode-change handling routine.
15.ON ACTION now works for actions (same structure as ON TEXT).
16.Using $* improperly would result in a GPF.
17.The "Always get IP address on connect" wasn't working.
18.A /me now cannot be sent without a message.
19.Cleaned up several routines, removed potential GPFs & other problems.
(most of which were detected while compiling the 32-bit version)
20.Double-clicking on a servername in Setup dialog is same as
selecting Connect.
21.Now available in a 32-bit version (with optional air-conditioning).
22.Added /wavplay <sound.wav> command.
23.Two bugs in Getting IP address routines were fixed.
24.Fixed unknown mode oo bug.
25.The ON OP/SERVEROP/DEOP were noticing only the first opped nick.
26.Address as returned by a /whois now has an @ sign.
27.Added $cb parameter, which refers to the first 256 characters
of current clipboard contents.
28.The /flood command now inhibits only specific types of replies to
the server eg. replies to Remote/events/ctcp (basically, replies
triggered by other users).
29.Made random delay auto-op an option in the options dialog.
30.A user in the remote user list can now have multiple access levels:
1) The first level in the list is treated normally and can be anything.
2) The remaining levels are treated as = levels (even if you dont put the
= infront of them).
31.Finger window popup menu now shows the last 5 fingered addresses
for quick selection.
32.Now prevents Channel list window being closed while a listing is being made.
33.The mode change checking routines have been improved.
34.Cleaned up/Improved popup menu positioning routine.
35.Added /rlevel <level> command which removes all users with the specified
access level from the remote user list.
36.Fixed problem with extra spaces being appended to sent lines.
37./omsg and /onotice can now take an optional channel argument.
eg. /omsg [#channel] <message>
38.Windows opening in mIRC are now not given focus if mIRC is not the
active application.
39.Text in remote dialog is displayed more quickly now.
40./ignore now also ignores all notices. This means you can't do ctcp on
any person you ignore since a reply to a ctcp is a notice.
41.Added $server, $ip, and $host as identifiers.
42.Can now define groups of commands/events in the remote:
#2 start
1:ON JOIN:...
1:ON TEXT:...
#2 end
You can use /enable #2 or /disable #2 to enable/disable group #2.
A disabled group is ignored by the remote.
You cannot have groups within groups.
43.Now shows User mode in status window title.
44.The READ command in the fileserver now does paging (default of 20 lines)
and prompts user whether to continue listing or to stop. User can specify
optional paging size with: read [-numberoflines] <file.txt>
45.The READ fileserver command now also allows reading of any file.
46.Control-Home/End now moves to top/bottom of window text buffer.
Control-Page Up/Down moves up/down line-by-line.
47.Can now do /help <commandname> for most commands mirc knows.
48.Each window now has a 20 line command history buffer, use Cursor Up/Down
in single-line editbox, or Control-Up/Down in multi-line editbox.
49.Protect-list bug fixed.
50./ruser nick! now removes any address beginning with nick! in the
user list.
51.Can now handle multiple /ban and /guser commands one after the other.
52.Can now also specify *N1-N2 or $parmN1-N2. For a horrible example, see:
1:TEST:/notice $1 *1 *2-6 *9:$nick $parms $parm1 $parm1* $parm3-5 $parm4-9
53:Optimized text display routines.
54.Fixed the undernet /uwho X GPF.
55.Fixed % problem with actions.
56.Improved output of /finger <address> routine, now expands tabs and
inserts empty lines in the correct places.
57.Fixed GPF bug in handling of KILLs.
58.Added a crude ON MODE/SERVERMODE to react to a *channel* mode change.
1!:ON MODE:#mirc:-spmi+lktn 20 mykey:/notice *1:$nick Illegal mode change!
When someone changes the channel mode, mIRC enforces the above
channel mode instead, and sends the user a notice.
59.Now removes redundant spaces from lines in the Options dialog.
60.Fixed disappearing popups/commands/events problem.
61.Improved /ruser command so that it can work like /ban and /guser.
/ruser <nick> [type] if you do NOT specify a type, then it works
as usual and removes the specified nick from the user list. If you
DO specify a type, it looks up the users address and removes that
address from the user list.
62.Now correctly initiates a DCC CHAT using 'chat' as opposed to
the originators name.
63.Improved Channel List Window Popup menu. Added a dialog which
allows you to respecify the list parameters to relist the window
without having to do a relist from the server.
64.Fixed "Error sending data" at end of transfer with fast send turned on.
29/06/95 - mIRC v3.42 (minor update)
1.Fixed Beeping saving/loading beep settings using only nickname
and not the whole line in 'DCC Chat with krejt'.
2.The Local Host name can now be changed while online.
3.The /ban command did not allow processing of following commands.
4.Fixed 'Enter' bug in single-line editbox (?).
5.If "Show quits in channel" wasn't checked, user would not be
removed from channel namelist when user quits.
6.Unbanning in the /channel dialog now unbans 3 users at a time
in one mode command instead of one user at a time.
7.Added Options->Auto-Op random pausing (up to 7 seconds).
8.Minimized get icon now shows nickname.
9.Fixed server ports being reset to 6667.
10.Fixed the /msg =nickname GPF bug.
11.Added * to beginning of username in /ban addresses.
12.Changed /finger method slightly.
13.Added /pop <delay> [#channel] <nickname> command which performs
a paused op on the specified user within a random number of seconds.
14.A DCC Chat window is only given focus on connection if it is
the active window, otherwise it just beeps once.
15.Can now do /help <topic>.
16.Fileserver was ignoring <max gets> parameter and limited users to
get only one file at a time.
17.Optimized routine for handling mode changes.
18.Fixed ON NOTICE bug.
19.Fixed /uwho (is operator) bug and /uwho ctcp bug.
20.Fileserver: if file has no extension then '.' is automatically
added to user get request filename.
21.Improved voiced/opped display of nicks but still when a user is
deopped and has a voice, things mess up.
22.Now automatically shortens your nicknames to the maximum length
allowed by the server you connect to.
23.Fixed bug with /ban after using the /auser command.
24.Rewrite of INI reading routines in the hope of fixing GPF's
and other weird problems that are being caused by this.
25.Changed timing of Misc->Options->perform commands, now sends
commands right after end of MOTD.
21/06/95 - mIRC v3.3, v3.4
1.Fixed line splitting in single line editbox.
2./describe now displays as a normal action if you are on
the channel that you are sending to.
3.Can now do 1!:ON TEXT:etc... which means this command should not
react to any events caused by me.
4.Added alternative join/part/quit format option.
5.Fixed :! GPF.
6.Fixed $opnick problem.
7.Directories are now sorted in DCC Send dialog.
8.Can now specify directory for mirc.ini file on command line.
9.Notify routine now checks for a blank line!
10.Server name is now shown in status window title bar.
11.Fixed $parms not being passed on with a :> directive.
12.Added /add [-apuce] filename.ini and /save filename.ini
which load in alias, popups, and remote user, command, and event sections from
the specified ini file. The /save saves all of these five sections to the
specified ini file.
13.Added $me as an alias parameter which refers to your nickname.
14.Added option to append text to application title bar.
15.Can use ; or REM to comment out lines in the remote/event sections.
16.Now connects even if unable to get your local host name but was still able to
get your ip address (should have done this a long time ago!).
17.Added a /raw command which sends any parameters you supply directly to the server.
You MUST know the correct RAW format to use this command.
18.Added /omsg and /onotice commands which send a message to all channel operators
on the current channel. eg. /omsg Hello there! These are limited to users with Op status.
19.Can now specify max. number of lines in scrollback buffer.
20.Fixed bug in the /auto, /notify, /ignore, and /protect storage routines.
21.Can now minimize a window quickly by pressing the ESCape key (option).
22.Added /timer1 to /timer9 commands in the format:
/timerN <repetitions> <delay in seconds> <commands to be performed>
eg. /timer1 30 /ame is AWAY!
23.Status window can now remember minimized/maximized position.
24.DCC Chat window is now not minimized if it is initiated by you.
25.Added crude /flood control, format: /flood <numberoflines> <seconds> <pausetime>.
Prevents mIRC from sending any lines to the server if it has sent too
many lines in a specified number of seconds. These lines are NOT stored,
they are lost.
26.Fixed problem with $ followed by letters not being displayed. eg. $SHELL
($ followed by a number is always assumed to be a parameter).
27.Added: +2:ON JOIN:etc... the + limits this command to only level 2 users.
28.Added Select File/Directory dialog to Add, Extras, and DCC Options dialogs.
29.Fixed weird DCC-related bug in input routine...?
30.Added ON SERVEROP event eg. 1:ON SERVEROP:#:/msg *1:$me $opnick was opped by $nick
where $nick refers to the server that did the opping.
31.Added /closemsg <nickname> command to close message windows with a certain nickname.
32.Fixed USER not enough parameters problems.
33.Each window now stores it's own previous line (using /).
Using / brings back last line typed in current window.
and /! brings back last line typed in any window.
34.Finger server now uses different method to do a finger which might solve
problems some people were having.
35.Can now use either the IP address or the Hostname of an IRC server.
36.DCC Send icon now shows nickname.
37.Added option "Reconnect on disconnection".
38./help now brings up mirc.hlp file irc commands section.
39.Now removes strange characters from users name when logging.
40.Can now use $parm1* just like the $1* parameter.
41.Fixed /uwho "is operator" bug.
42.Windows can be resized to a smaller size.
43.Fixed DO problem.
44.Quit in a channel now just shows nickname and quit message.
45./join #this_is_a_test_of_brigs_bug has been fixed.
But there's still a limit of how long a channel name can be!
46.Fixed buildup of %'s when recalling previous line.
47.Added -c switch to /play command to allow playing of commands.
48.If resizing window and you're at the bottom of the buffer
it stays at the bottom after the resizing.
49.Fixed problem with silent disconnections (i think).
50.Quit now uses a default message of (Leaving).
51.Fixed occasional window text not being updated?
52.Added Beeping option to Chat/Channel/Query window system menus which
overrides Options "Beep on Message" setting. Each window remembers
it's beeping setting.
53.Added ON NOTIFY event. eg. 1:ON NOTIFY:/msg *1:$me $nick is on IRC!
54.Added /log on/off command for logging windows to file.
55.Added $+ parameter which means append the next parameter without
inserting a space before it.
57.Fixed /stats problem.
58.Fixed 1:*:! problem.
59.Added /fserve <nickname> <maxgets> <homedirectory> <welcome.txt> for fileserver.
60.Fileserver improvements:
1) now sends 30 second timeout warning to idle user.
2) Directories are now listed horizontally in wide listing.
3) If user does ls -4 and then does ls the -4 is remembered.
4) Can do ls -[k|b] for listing in K's or bytes.
5) Greatly improved fserve routines.
6) Prevents a user having more than one fileserver session open.
7) Directories/files are now sorted.
61.Greatly improved dynamic memory allocation.
62.Made change to the ON TEXT event. The search text should now be
specified in the following manner: eg. 1:ON TEXT:text:#mirc:/msg *1:etc...
where text is:
=text - if user said only this word
text* - if user started line with this word
*text - if user ended line with this word
*text* or text - if user said this word anywhere
63.Added 5:ON OP:= which means that any level 5 or higher users will not get a
reaction from a lower level ON OP when they are opped. Works with other
events and remote definitions as well.
64.Cleaned up/optimized/rewrote many many routines.
65.Fixed GPF when window is closed while popupmenu is up.
66.Fixed "Unable to send query to server" problem(?)
67.Fixed /auser /ruser being lost if Cancel pressed in remote dialog.
68.Can now select a maximum of 9 files to send in dcc send dialog.
Also added a minimize option to minimize all dcc send windows.
69.Fixed bugs in INI reading routines.
70.Added /guser <level> <nick> [type] command which does the same thing
as /auser but does a /whois on the specified nickname first and then
adds their address to the remote user list.
71.Remote DCC Send window closes if other user closes connection.
72.If a DCC Get window is waiting for a resume acknowledgement and
times out then the window is closed.
73.Speeded up text update in windows significantly.
74.Added /exit command which forces mIRC to closedown.
75.Now removes directory prefix from a DCC Get file.
76.Major DCC Send improvements.
77.Added /fsend [on|off] an experimental fast dcc send option.
78.Added /ulist which lists users in the remote list with specific access levels.
79.Fixed /oper command.
80.Changed /ban types (1 to 4). Also /ban with no type bans the
whole address with no wildcards. Banning an IP address now adds
a wildcard to the last ip number.
81.Added/Fixed other things I forgot to write down...
2/05/95 - mIRC v3.2
1. GPF on join to undernet fixed.
2. GPF on joining channel with too long a topic fixed.
3. Added title specification to parameter box, eg.: /j /join $?="Enter channel name:"
4. Can now use Page Up/Down keys to scroll through buffer.
5. Fixed spaced out /who result.
6. Now cannot prevent the standard ctcp version reply being given.
7. Can now build as many levels of popup menus as required.
8. Added Query/Chat popup menu.
9. Added extra double-click options.
10.Added auto-close send window option.
11.A remote send window now closes if other party crashes/cancels get.
12.Idle time wasnt working in single-line edit box.
13.Sockets weren't being closed properly.
14.Fixed problem with directory and slash.
15.added /channel command for channel central (only works in a channel).
16.Added ability to view/change topic in Channel Central.
17.Editboxes thinned down for Win95.
18.Changed dialog borders to reflect standard practise.
19.Added ... to menu items to reflect standard practise.
20.GPF on nick collision fixed??
21.Timer now updates in the timer window when online.
22.Can now do both /ban nickname or /ban #channel nickname
23.Complete rewrite of editbox routine. Can now paste properly.
24.Added "You are Op/Not Op" to channel central window.
25.Fixed problem in win95 with title disappearing when window is minimized.
26.Fixed remote :*: responding to an action command. (oops :)
27./server with no parameters connects to the last specified server.
28.Fixed problem with | alias seperator placed after a *1 *2 etc.
29.Fixed problem with DO remote command.
30.Remote can now handle commas etc. stuck to identifiers eg.
1:WHOAMI:/notice *1:$nick You are $nick, your address is $address.
31.Added #$ parameter type. Prefixes the parameter with a #.
cannot be used in a multi-command. eg #$* but can do #?1="Say what?"
32.Added $! parameter type. Refers to the last line you entered in
the entry parameter window.
33.Added /amsg and /ame which do an All channel message and All channel action.
34.Last used server in the Setup window is moved to top of list.
35.If mirc.ini is not found in windows dir but found in current dir then it is
automatically copied to windows dir without asking user.
36.Added "Fast Ack" in DCC Opts window for non-compliant winsocks.
37.Dialogs are now positioned a little higher in Win95 above menu bar at bottom of screen.
38.Now allows leading spaces in text to channel/query/chat windows.
39.Fixed problem with cursor not showing in editbox??
40.Iconized Win95 windows do not flash anymore but are drawn highlighted with
a red rectangle.
41.Addresses must now be standard form eg. *!*khaled@mardam.demon.co.uk
42.Can now do /dcc send <nickname> <file1> <file2> <file3> ... <fileN>
43.Added /beep <number> <delay> command.
44.Fixed GPF bug with malformed DCC Send requests.
45.Added simple Event handler to remote section.
46.Other bits I can't remember...
23/04/95 - mIRC v3.1
1. Added /ctcp $* performs command on all parameters.
2. Remembers if main window was iconized.
3. Added "finger" popup for finger window.
4. Fixed mistake in graphics routine. Update is now faster.
5. Windows open up in a more "windows" like fashion now.
6. User listbox now lists all people on large channels.
7. Using main menus under certain setups wasn't working properly.
8. Cancel away on keypress now ONLY cancels if you say
something in a channel or a query.
9. Fixed finger client so can finger VMS hosts etc.
10.Added new user warning about mirc.ini file.
11.Can now do aliases such as: /laugh /me laughs at $1's joke
12.Added timeout to chat/get confirm dialog.
13.DCC sessions now show only a nickname.
14.USER login to IRC was working but not correct.
16.Improved Editbox: Can now enter multiple lines with a paste
and they will be sent correctly.
17.Fixed Auto-Op wild-card routine.
18.Fixed beeping when windows are maximized & windows don't scroll.
19.Fixed small bug in /join command, now allows key.
20.Notify now tells you if no one in your list is on IRC.
21.Added User info window as the command /uwho <nickname>.
22.Internal reorganization and cleaning up.
23.PASS password to server was incorrect.
24.Added /msg =nickname for dcc chat.
25.Added /play command.
26.Added /describe command.
27.Major improvement of screen update, speed has more than doubled.
28.Added option to use windows colours.
29.DCC Send by remote is automatically minimized.
30.Now tries three different ways to get local host and ip address.
31.Red rectangle is drawn around icons of windows with pending messages.
For Windows 95 the iconized window flashes instead.
32.Now changed so that can have only ONE chat session with the same user.
33.If user replies to a /dcc chat request by initiating another dcc
chat then mIRC treats this as an acceptance of it's own request.
34.You can now ignore addresses as well as nicks.
35.Remote DCC's close windows automatically on finish.
36.Added DCC timeout options.
37.Added #string parameter to /list command.
38.Fixed problem with moderated channels and +nicknames.
26/03/95 - mIRC v2.8c etc...
1. Added wild cards for auto-op.
2. If a user changes nicks while in a query to you and they are on
the same channel as you, mIRC uses the nickname change notification
to update the query window name so you can keep talking to the person.
3. When a query is received and it is iconized, the icon is placed
above all other windows so you can see it.
4. Scroll bars have been made a standard size and moved a little bit to
make them look neater.
5. ban command now has 4 levels of ban. eg. /ban <nickname> <number>
where <number> is a value 0 to 3.
6. The /server command can now take Port and Password parameters.
for example, /server irc.server.co.uk 6667 password
7. Added "Use Dedicated Message Window" option. private messages go
only to this window.
8. "Notices" work more intelligently now and will appear in a channel
window if sent by someone on that channel. Otherwise they are sent
to the status window as usual.
9. mIRC now listens for identd requests and replies using the
userid part of your email address as a UNIX system.
10.Font and Window position can now be saved for the Message Window
and logging/saving to proper filename now.
11.Was GPFing on a nick collision. Oops :)
12.Added channel modes to ban list routine. Much more useful now!
13.Added context-sensitive F1 help key.
14.Added new alias parameter type.
$$ = parameter MUST be filled. If it is not filled, command is not executed.
Before, /whois $1 was executed even if no parameter was given.
Now, /whois $$1 will only be executed if you supply a parameter.
15.Can now also do $$?1 or $?1 which means, try to fill this
value with parameter one if it exists. If parameter one doesnt exist,
ask for it.
16.Fixed problem with copy/paste routine. MUCH faster now.
17.Fixed font problem with text not showing in Editbox when in windows
screen with large font setting.
18.Added DCC Resume capability. non-standard.
19.Allows multiple select in ban list.
20.Fixed dialog positioning when in different screen modes.
21.Added option to prefix own messages with own nick.
22.Would crash if popup menu definition was incomplete. fixed.
23.Double-click in a query window does a /whois.
24.Added small popup menu to channel list window.
21/03/95 - mIRC v2.8b (not released)
1. the % character can now be used.
2. help file had a few mistakes in it.
3. a /msg results in outgoing message being shown
in the correct window.
4. added option "Beep on message while in buffer".
5. /hug /me *hugs* $1 now works.
6. allow /query etc commands in dcc chat window.
7. problems handling /msg and other commands.
8. dissallow changing nickname and alternate in setup when online.
9. log files werent being closed properly.
11.enlarged Popup menus window.
12.refined appearance of /msg /notice/ etc. commands.
13.aliases had a bug or three.
14.added [x] minimize to auto-accept chat request.
15.ctcp ping seconds working properly now.
16.query window sometimes opened up VERY small due to saving
window size while it was iconized.
17.Changed query/chat windows so that only one default font
is saved.
18.Changed "beeping" method to minimize number of beeps.
19.File logging was messed up.
20.Speeded up display of popupmenu definitions in popup dialog.
21.text wrapping wasn't taking notice of mid variable.
22.changed minimum window size depending on whether it
is a channel or not.
23.now remembers default size for channel windows.
24.fixed problem with previous-line routine.
25.added /dcc packetsize command. All memory for DCC Send/Get
sessions now allocated dynamically.
26.when a window is maximized, widths weren't set properly for
any other windows beneath it.
18/03/95 - mIRC v2.7a
1. Changed dblclk ban list routine again.
2. Variable assignment was wrong in open window routine.
Caused windows to behave strangely and crash.
3. Changed query & msg commands. /msg does not open a
window, /query does.
4. Added beeping on query & notice options.
5. The INI filename specified on the command line was not
working for some mIRC functions.
6. DCC sessions were not being closed properly, ie. files
in some cases would be left open.
7. Cosmetic changes - moved some options to extras dialog
and other stuff.
8. Invite command wasn't working properly.
9. Corrected mistakes in the mirc.ini file.
10.Query window size wasn't being saved.
11.mIRC wasn't closing all DCC connections on quit.
12.Now prevents duplicate server entries in setup dialog.
13.Some windows are now more intuitively centered on opening.
14.Now shows number of channels as they are being listed.
15.Some windows were opening only in the top left corner.
Window positioning is hopefully better now.
16.QUIT and AWAY commands weren't setting message properly.
17.Added /LEAVE (like /PART. command for compatibility.
18.Again changed optimization switches in compiler. Previous
settings caused more problems than I thought...
19.Can now open mutiple DCC Chat sessions with the same person.
20.Option to show Quits in channel window.
21.now shows /msgs that you send.
22.when doing a "reset position" window is placed neatly inside
main window even if saved position was outside it.
23.Changed /protect etc. to work using on and off.
34.Added option to highlight own messages.
25.Aliases with a * in them weren't working properly.
26.About dialog now disappears on keypress.
27.Can now continue DCC chats if disconnected from IRC.
28.After disconnection, on reconnect to IRC, only channel windows
are closed. All other windows remain open.
29./SERVER command now works. (can use in popup menus!)
30.Bugs in file handling routines.
31.Bug in Channels list routine.
32.Iconify query window option.
33.beeps if message in channel and you are not at bottom of buffer.
34.Added whois option on a query.
35.If talking in query window and person logs off IRC,
informs you nick is invalid *in* query window.
36.when not at bottom of buffer and a channel message
is printed, highlighting for copy/paste now stays on.
37.Enlarged alias window.
38.Alias window now shows number of aliases entered.
Possible Bugs/Annoyances:
1. Text in window sometimes goes blank or isn't updated properly.
2. Text sometimes prints over the scrollbar slightly.
3. Multiple DCC sends/gets might not work properly.
13/03/95 - mIRC v2.6b (a dud version - was unstable)
1. Finger routine wasn't being cancelled properly.
2. Now allows user to enter their own IP address.
3. Certain windows would beep on closing (definitely fixed now!)
4. Routine for printing text in window majorly optimized and cleaned up.
5. Listbox popup menu would popup even if a user wasn't selected.
6. Cleaned up the retrieve ban list routine.
7. Winsock startup routine wasn't being initialized properly.
8. Copy/Paste routine has changed. No longer need to press the shift key.
9. QUIT wasn't appending quit message.
10.Child windows were being positioned outside main window.
11.Spotted and fixed oh so sneaky bug in word wrap routine.
12.DCC Send/Get Directories default to same directory as mirc.exe.
13.Can now specify directory for logs and buffer saves.
14.Mode change with multiple settings wasn't working.
15.Can now specify on the command line the name of the .ini file to
use. Default name is "mirc.ini". This means you can have different
.ini files for different nets.
16.Added /! command, recalls previous command.
17.Cleaned up the help file, made IRC commands section readable.
18.Now compiling with different optimization switches. This
automatically fixed around 5 "bugs" !!!
08/03/95 - mIRC v2.5a
1. added "always retrieve local host" option for people who have
dynamic IP addresses!
2. channel mode in title is permanently on. not an option anymore.
3. Added ctcp USERINFO command for compatibility. However, it returns
the same information as a ctcp finger command.
4. moved some options to different windows were they made more sense.
5. added /finger and /auto commands.
6. fixed problem with releasing memory... popup menus weren't
being freed properly so mIRC would lose as much memory as
the size of the popup menus defined by the user. With the
mirc.ini that comes with the program, this turned out to be
3k+ of system resources everytime the program is run.
7. the MODE for channel mode changes gets messy when lots of
mode changes occur. cleaned it up.
8. Window names in Window menu would not switch to the correct
window when selected.
9. Text buffers for windows were not being freed properly.
10.Can now set the default font for the status/finger/list windows
from their system menu. Only the DCC Send/Get windows have to
be set from the font dialog window.
11.added auto-log option for channels and query/dcc chat.
12.Commands such as /finger and /run can now be used off-line.
13.Corrected some mistakes in the mirc.ini file.
05/03/95 - mIRC v2.4a
1. major update of window handling - made more robust.
2. notify would keep notifying even if it was still waiting
for previous notify to be returned by server.
3. popup menu positioning was incorrect in some situations.
02/03/95 - mIRC v2.3a
1. dcc get received file okay but closed connection too early.
2. dcc send/get/chat were re-initiating arrays too early,
didn't cause problems but made the program beep everytime you
closed a window because the array was empty.
3. some debug information was being printed! Arrrrgh! forgot to
turn off the debug switch in the first release.
4. updated help file with description of previously coded but
forgotten items.
5. In dcc get, if sender client did not specify size of file
(which it should!. then mIRC said the size was zero bytes.
Now it just says [unknown].
6. highlighting now works properly.
7. ".." previous directory wasnt showing up in dcc send dialog.
8. the channel listbox wasnt adding/removing nicks properly.
9. double-click for ban list. clicking twice only in the SAME
place now brings ban list up.
10.added option to display file size instead of percent complete
in DCC send/get transfers.
11.fixed timer display: wasnt displaying timer after nick change.
12.adds "/nick " to editbox if both nicks collide on login.
13.dcc send/get had problems with packet size. fixed.
14.other cosmetic changes.
28/02/95 - mIRC v2.1a
First public release.